


  • The store is underhanded in the Christmas season . But if a person has some weaknesses we can point them out to him and meantime let him work .

    该商店在圣诞节期间 缺少 人手。有缺点可以跟他 清楚,要放手地用人。

  • Act of taking the place of another especially using underhanded tactics .

    更换职位的行为(尤指用 隐秘的手段)。

  • After a few more incidents of underhanded behavior and performance issues lafair had to fire the problem employee .

    之后,这名员工又做了些不够 光明磊落的事,另外 也是 由于绩效问题,拉斐尔 最终不得不把这名问题员工辞退。

  • What he did was selfish and underhanded .

    他所做的,是自私 狡猾的。

  • A schemer who tries to gain advantage in an organization in sly or underhanded ways . By careful strategy he manages to push the proposal through .

    一个企图通过耍滑或 秘密手段在一个机构团体中谋利的阴谋家。通过审慎的谋划,他成功地使该建议获得通过。

  • He played an underhanded trick on me .

    他跟我耍了一个 卑劣的花招。

  • Beckett had just brokered an underhanded deal with cigliutti .

    贝克特刚刚和 西格鲁提进行了一场 秘密交易。

  • However there was nothing underhanded in advocating such a program .

    然而,他们毫不 隐瞒 他们的这种纲领。

  • Senator Obama denied that charge Wednesday in Norfolk Virginia and accused the McCain campaign of waging a negative campaign against him that uses lies and underhanded tactics .

    奥巴马参议员星期三在维吉尼亚州诺福克竞选时否认对他的指责,并谴责麦凯恩竞选团队开展负面的竞选,使用谎言和 卑鄙手段来诋毁他。

  • Man ! Talk about an underhanded way to deliver a subpoena !

    先生!我们讨论一个 秘密的方法送达传票吧!

  • You don 't hide or swallow your anger but you express it in an underhanded way .

    你没有隐藏或咽下自己愤怒,可是你在用 低俗的方式表达。

  • It was an underhanded attempt to win the contract for himself .

    这是他为自己赢得合同的 光彩尝试。

  • Rivals like Pepsi accuse Coke of underhanded business practices and soft drinks are seen as being a major cause of obesity .

    像百事可乐这样的对手指控可口可乐的经商方式 卑鄙,而且软饮料也被视为造成肥胖的主要原因。

  • These provincial outfits which are less controlled by Beijing are locked in a fierce untidy and occasionally underhanded struggle for viewers .

    这些北京控制较少的省级广播机构,陷入了一场激烈混乱、 间或 使 的观众争夺

  • A special news program exposed underhanded auto repair shops that are ripping off senior citizens .

    一个特别新闻节目揭露了一家敲榨老年人的 卑鄙的汽车维修店。

  • On the other capable of the most underhanded form of betrayal .

    另一方面,又能够 作出大多数 阴险的背信行为。

  • But in softball the pitcher must throw the ball underhanded .

    但垒球的投手必须 下手 投球