under seal

[ˈʌndɚ sil][ˈʌndə si:l]


  • Results Under the strict asepsis procedure the seal removed insulin injection remain asepsis for 60 days which has no relation with the time of puncture .

    结果 严格无菌操作下,两组胰岛素注射液在 启封后60天内均能保持无菌,与穿刺次数无关。

  • He told me this under the seal of secrecy .

    他告诉我这 事, 约定严守秘密。

  • In the theoretical analysis part mainly analyses the action of balanced rotor system under the seal clearance excitation force and the relationship between blade tip clearance force and its influence factor .

    在理论分析的部分,主要分析了平衡转子系统 密封力单独作用下的稳定性以及叶顶间隙气流激振力及其影响因素的关系。

  • All the items for export must be under the tight seal which ensures that we always put the Total Quality Control into execution .

    所有出口品种都必须 真空 密封,以保证全面控制质量这一措施的实行。

  • This agreement is delivered under my hand and seal .

    本协定今日 我签名并加盖 印章发出。

  • The structure design and material selection of the mechanical seals for the high temperature and high pressure pumps and their applications under the seal systems of high temperature high pressure and toxic mediums were presented .

    介绍了高温高压泵用机械密封的结构设计、材料选用以及在高温、高压、有毒介质 条件 密封系统的应用。

  • Testing Research on Slurry Seal as under seal coat in freeway

    稀浆封层作高速公路 封层试验研究

  • At common law a deed was an instrument under seal that contained a covenant or contract delivered by the individual who was to be bound by it to the party to whom it was granted .

    契约,是一种特别的合约,须要经过当事人签署、盖章并送交对方才算有效,契约上的 盖章在法律上被视为一种有效的约因。

  • An agreement or promise made orally or in writing not under seal ; a contract . Protocol specified not supported . Set the protocol as the default one & Name Pipes .

    协定口头或书面 盖印的协议或许诺;协定所指定协议不受支持。将该协议设置为默认协议&命名管道。

  • Because the transcript is still under seal I am precluded by law from discussing the evidence .

    副本仍未 公开,按照法律 规定我不能讨论这项证据。

  • Accordingly under oil pressure the main oil seal surface can work .

    因此主 油面是 处于油压 工作。

  • Just ask the under manager for permission-he 'll set his seal on anything .

    去问经理助手是否行他 一般会同意

  • He produced a written contract under seal .

    他出示一张 印信的合约。

  • The frequency response of human ear measured for right and left ear of ten subjects under unclosed seal ( or natural seal ) and closed seal conditions is described as well as equivalent electrical network is analysed .

    本文通过对十人双耳分别 松弛 密封(或自然密封)和紧固密封条件 的人耳频响测量以及等效电路的推导和分析,说明声漏中声质量分量是不可忽视的;

  • The application research on emulsified bitumen slurry seal as under seal in bituminous mixture overlay

    乳化沥青稀浆封层作沥青路面罩面 封层的应用研究

  • This is to certify that the container ( containers ) specified below has ( have ) been approved for the transport of goods under Customs seal .

    兹证明下述集装箱业经核准其运输海关 加封货物。

  • Application of Slurry seal Technology in the highway Under Seal

    稀浆封层技术在高速公路 封层中的应用

  • The agreement was delivered under his hand and seal .

    这协定 他签名并 加盖 印信发出。

  • The differential equations of motion are established aimed at dual-disk vertical over-hung rotor-bearing system and the dynamic characteristics of cracked rotor are analyzed numerically under nonlinear seal fluid dynamic force and oil-firm force .

    以双盘悬臂立式转子-轴承系统为研究对象,建立了系统运动微分方程,并用数值方法分析了 非线性 密封力和非线性油膜力作用 的裂纹转子的动力学特性。

  • Construction Techniques of Penetration Coat and Under Seal Coat of Expressway

    高速公路透层和 封层施工工艺

  • Even under the seal of medical confidence he couldn 't see himself doing that .

    尽管医生 负责 保密,他仍然没有勇气做这件事。

  • The result showed that measure was rapid accurate reliable . Even under seal fumigation the temperatures at grain bulks can be measured .

    长期使用结果表明,达到了设计要求,测温迅速,结果准确,性能稳定,可靠性强,即使 施用化学药剂进行 密闭熏蒸的情况 ,也可详细了解仓内各堆粮食的温度。

  • if authorized by a body corporate possessing a common seal under the seal of the body corporate ; Carrier pilots can now access all divisions of their ships corporate hangar without the required corporate roles .

    如由拥有法团 印章的法人团体授权,该书面证明须盖有该法团 印章;航母飞行员无需军团授权便能操作舰船公用机库中的所有内容。

  • The deed is executed under the hand and seal of the owner .

    这契约是由所有权人 签名 盖章的。

  • To settle the account in the finance sector with the bank payment order under seal .

    英文“凭银行付款复印 加盖 公章到财务部结算” 怎么说?

  • Results showed that there exists the critical speed that the rotor can be happen Hopf bifurcation in under the action of the seal clearance excitation force alone .

    分析认为,在 密封力的单独作用 ,存在使转子发生Hopf分岔的临界转速。

  • Under the vacuum condition seal is very important problem because the uncondensable gas has great influence on the heat transfer under condensation .

    真空条件 ,不凝性气体含量对凝结换热影响较大,应重视冷凝器的 密封问题;

  • At the one extreme the law may require the contract to be made under seal .

    在一个极端,法律要求订立合同必须 盖章

  • Any document purporting to be a document duly executed under the common seal of the Council shall unless there is evidence to the contrary be deemed to be a document so executed and shall be received in evidence without further proof .

    任何看来是用评审局法团 印章妥为 立的文件,除非有相反证据,否则须视作妥为签立的文件,且无须其它证明而须接受为证据。