


  • The method first converted LSSVM to unconstrained optimization and then used Newton optimization to solve the optimization problem iteratively .

    首先把LSSVM优化问题转化为 约束化优化问题的形式,然后再采用牛顿优化法来迭代求解。

  • This paper introduces a method of unconstrained and non-contact pointing gesture recognition based on geometry-restriction of binocular vision .

    利用双目视觉的几何 约束关系,依靠人体指示姿态来实现非接触、 约束的目标指示识别。

  • An algorithm to recognize unconstrained handwritten numerals based on centroid layer feature is proposed in this paper .

    采用了基于字符质心的层次特徵对 约束手写体数字进行分类识别。

  • The paper proposes a nonmonotonic BFGS-trust-region algorithm for unconstrained optimization .

    给出了一个解 约束最优化问题的非单调的新的BFGS校正的信赖域算法。

  • A Gradient Method for Large Scale Unconstrained Optimization

    一种 大规模 约束优化 问题的梯度方法

  • Results from a run involving a single VM are shown to illustrate performance on an unconstrained host .

    单个 VM上的运行结果演示了 受限的主机上的性能。

  • Trust region algorithm is an effective algorithm for unconstrained optimization problems .

    信赖域算法是 求解 约束优化问题的一种有效的算法。

  • A method based on multiple information fusion is proposed for unconstrained handwritten offline Chinese text line recognition .

    提出了一种基于多信息融合的 自然书写脱机中文文本行识别的方法。

  • Dai-Yuan Memory Gradient Method for Unconstrained Optimization Problem

    求解 约束优化问题的Dai-Yuan记忆梯度法

  • This paper based on BFGS method presents an artificial neural network model for unconstrained optimization problems and some stability properties of the neural network are discussed .

    提出了一种基于BFGS算法的 求解 约束优化问题的人工神经网络模型,并对该模型的稳定性作了理论分析。

  • At present an emphasis of the research is put on unconstrained handwritten character recognition .

    目前,OCR的研究重点是 约束手写体字符识别。

  • A Conjugate Gradient Projection Algorithm for Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints A New Hybrid Conjugate Gradient Method for Unconstrained Optimization

    互补约束均衡优化的一个共轭梯度投影法 约束优化问题的一种新杂交共轭梯度算法

  • Penalty function was added to system-level object function to convert unconstrained optimization into constrained optimization .

    增加系统级罚函数,使系统级优化问题转化为 约束优化问题;

  • In this paper a class of new descent algorithm is proposed to solve unconstrained optimization problems .

    研究给出了一类新的求解 约束优化问题的下降算法。

  • Trust region method is a kind of efficient methods to solve the general unconstrained optimization and its special situation the nonlinear least squares problems .

    对于一般的 约束最优化问题及其特殊情况非线性最小二乘问题而言,信赖域方法是一种有效的方法。

  • A class of conjugate gradient methods for unconstrained optimization ;

    提出一种新的 大规模 约束优化 问题的梯度法。

  • He is well-known for his bold and unconstrained style of writing .

    他以 文风粗犷而著称。

  • Distributed decoupling dynamic matrix control strategy is obtained for linear unconstrained systems .

    在线性 约束情况下,得到了分布式解耦动态矩阵控制律。

  • The major reason of the climate change is the unconstrained emissions of developed countries during the industrialisation process .

    气候变化的重要原因是发达国家在工业化过程中 节制的排放。

  • On the Global Convergence of Trust Region Algorithm for Semi-smooth Unconstrained Optimization

    半光滑 约束优化信赖域算法的全局收敛性

  • This paper puts forward the adaptive trust-region algorithm based on the conic model for unconstrained optimization .

    本文提出了一个解线性 等式 约束优化问题的新锥模型信赖域方法。

  • A new filled function with one parameter is used to find a global minimizer for unconstrained global optimization problems .

    考虑用单参数填充函数 求解 约束全局优化问题。

  • A Filter-trust-region Algorithm for Unconstrained Optimization

    一类 约束优化问题的信赖域过滤器算法

  • We face an enemy of ruthless ambition unconstrained by law or morality .

    我们面对的敌人野心勃勃, 凶狠残暴,无视法律和道德。

  • Unconstrained optimization methods include gradient conjugate direction Newton and quasi-Newton methods .


  • A knowledge-based recognition system of unconstrained handwritten numerals is proposed .

    研究一种基于知识的 约束手写数字识别系统。

  • This group bold and unconstrained pictures have been widely spread across the forums of internet recently .

    这组 豪放 拍照近期在网络论坛上广泛流传。

  • Electromagnetism-Like Mechanism Algorithm for Unconstrained Optimization Problem

    求解 约束优化问题的类电磁机制算法

  • A new gradient descent algorithm for unconstrained optimization problem is proposed .

    提出了一种新的 约束优化下降算法。

  • Conjugate Gradient Method for Unconstrained Geometric Programming

    一个 约束几何规划的共轭梯度算法