under foot

[ˈʌndɚ fʊt][ˈʌndə fut]


  • Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard they have trodden my portion under foot they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness .

    许多牧人毁坏了我的葡萄园, 践踏了我的田地;他们使我美好的田地变为荒凉的旷野。

  • These chances are always under foot .

    这些机会总是 脚下

  • Jim 's mother can always have him under foot .

    吉姆的母亲总有办法把他 得服 服帖帖的。

  • Life 's beastliness trampled me under foot and oppressed me clipped my wings in full flight and stole all my rightful joys .

    生命的残暴将我践踏于 脚下,压迫我,折断我舒展的双翼,盗取我应得的欢乐。

  • Under foot the leaves were dry and the foliage of some holly bushes which grew among the deciduous trees was dense enough to keep off draughts .


  • This Lion will trample the Boar under foot and terrify it with its open maw .

    狮子会用 足底踩踏野猪,用张开的胃恐吓它。

  • Press ( down ) the accelerator of a car They trod their enemies under foot .

    踩(下)汽车的油门他们把敌人踩 脚下

  • That I will break the Assyrian in my land and upon my mountains tread him under foot : then shall his yoke depart from off them and his burden depart from off their shoulders .

    就是在我地上打折亚述人,在我山上将他 践踏,他加的轭,必离开以色列人。他加的重担,必离开他们的肩头。

  • People were trodden under foot by the tyrant .

    百姓 遭受 暴君的蹂躏。

  • It is very hard under foot when the ground is frozen hard .

    土地结 时,地面非常 坚硬

  • Do not give dogs what is holy ; and do not throw your pearls before swine lest they trample them under foot and turn to attack you .

    不要把圣物给狗,也不要把你们的珍珠丢 猪前,恐怕它 践踏了珍珠,转过来咬你们。

  • She had saved him from being trampled under foot and had gone scarcely having been .

    她拯救了他,使他免于被践踏 脚下,而她自己却没怎么活就走了。

  • The small band of resistance fighters were soon trodden under foot by the occupying forces .

    那一小群抵抗士兵很快就 占领部队 打败了。

  • It is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden under foot of men .

    以后无用,不过丢 外面,被人 践踏了。

  • His father had just been trampled under foot and stamped upon in his presence but by whom ?

    他的父亲刚才被别人当着他的面 践踏了一阵,被谁?

  • Let the deportment myriad form grinds late the turning over to under foot to smooth this mortal world desolate disconsolate and missing is willing ostentatiously on the wane in this blurred .

    让仪态万千的身影,碾碎在迟归者的 脚下,为抚平尘世落寞的惆怅和思念,甘愿凋零在这浮华迷离之中。

  • But the court which is without the temple leave out and measure it not ; for it is given unto the Gentiles : and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months .

    因为这是给了外邦人的。他们要 践踏圣城四十二个月。

  • Let the inquiring Christian trample under foot every slippery trick of his deceitful heart and insist upon frank and open relations with the Lord .

    每一个追求长进的基督徒,当把心中一切诡诈的、反复无常的巧计,践踏 自己 脚下,并且坚持和主保持坦然和无阻隔的关系。

  • Give it a shot ! You 'll never know . He would test whether the upper society would trample him under foot or not .

    试试看啊!没试怎么会知道!他要试一试上流社会究竟会不会把他踩 脚下

  • They trod their enemies under foot .

    他们把敌人踩 脚下

  • The manager thought the best way to control the workers was to trample them under foot .

    经理认为控制工人们最好的办法是 严厉对待他们。

  • He would test whether the upper society would trample him under foot or no.

    他要试一试上流社会究竟会不会把他踩 脚下

  • You are the salt of the earth ; but if its taste goes from the salt how will you make it salt again ? It is then good for nothing but to be put out and crushed under foot by men .

    你们是世上的盐。盐若失了味,怎能叫他再咸呢?以后无用,不过丢 外面,被人 践踏了。

  • The beach under foot is like pitch ; his soles stick fast to it ; it is no longer sand it is bird-lime .

    海滩 脚下就象沥青一样,鞋底粘在上面,这已不是沙粒,而是粘胶了。

  • A lot of people were trampled under foot in the rush .

    许多人在慌乱中被 伤。

  • He heard the snap of a twig broken under foot .

    他听见小树枝 脚下断的劈啪声。

  • Hillary signs were abandoned on chairs and trampled under foot .

    而希拉里的则被扔弃在椅子上或者被践踏 脚下

  • Faith must trample under foot all reason sense and understanding .

    信仰必将一切动机、理性和谅解踏于 足下

  • So they threw her down : and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall and on the horses : and he trode her under foot .

    她的血溅在墙上和马上。于是把她 践踏了。