


v.拆毁,摧毁,夷平( unbuild的过去式和过去分词 )

  • But the development of ecological architecture is lag because of the ecological architecture system fitting Chinese technical and economic condition is still unbuilt .

    但是我国的生态建筑发展 严重滞后,这主要是因为缺乏适合本国国情的生态建筑体系。

  • Managers delay new products leave factories unbuilt pull the plug on loss-making divisions and cut costs and jobs .

    管理层停止新品 推出暂缓工厂 扩建关闭 盈利 机构,削减成本以及进行裁员;

  • Public buildings will go unrepaired roads and railways unbuilt .

    公共建筑将陷入失修,公路和铁路也得不到 建设

  • The first method allows you to access the XML Infoset of the element on which the method is called through the StAX API while caching ( if necessary ) any unbuilt parts of tree for later use .

    通过StAXAPI对某个元素调用第一个方法,可以访问该元素的XML Infoset,同时缓冲(如果需要)树中未 构造的部分以供将来使用。

  • Nearly 20 percent of property sold to land kings during that period remains unbuilt while three percent of the deals were forfeited by developers due to financing issues after they paid deposits it said .

    据称接近20%在 地产 繁荣期间卖给地王的土地都还 建设,而由于他们付款后 到来的经济危机,3%的交易被房地产开发商没收。

  • It also results in unbuilt private homes in unmade washing machines and refrigerators and in lack of innumerable other commodities and services .

    这也导致 有些私人住房 无法 起来,有些洗衣机和电冰箱 无法 生产 出来,使其他不计其数的商品和服务 供给缺乏。

  • The professional module is established by the function of dimensional analysis and assistant decision-making of GIS so while the useful geological information is managed soil parameter of the unbuilt areas is predicted using these geological information .

    运用GIS系统的空间分析和辅助决策功能,建立专业模块,在实现对 原有地质资料信息管理的同时,可以利用这些信息 资源拟建 区域的岩土参数进行预测。