unification set


  • The comprehensive plan which realizes the single machine unification of the remote meter reading communication and the beginning data set of the reading meter can greatly reduce the cost of the equipment in the reading centre .

    提出的实现远程抄表通信与采集器初始化数据 设置单机 一体化完成的综合解决方案,可大大降低抄表中心的设备投入费用。

  • With the foundation of the absolutism and centralization unification system among the state where were a set of countryside controlling systems step by step based on the reality society constructure which ever played an effective role in controlling the countryside then .

    随着专制主义 统一中央集权国家的 建立,国家在现实社会结构的基础上逐步建立起一 系统的乡里控制体系,这样的一 乡里控制体系在当时一度发挥了有效的乡里控制作用。

  • South Korean Unification Ministry spokeswoman Lee Jong-joo said Tuesday that traffic across the North Korean border is set to resume at levels not seen for more than a year .

    韩国 统一部女发言人 李钟株(LeeJong-joo)星期二表示,穿越北韩边境的交通即将恢复到一年多前的水平。

  • In this paper the implement steps of natural forest protection program grading ( NFPPG ) with neural network ( NN ) were summarized and the concepts of program illustration patch sign unification and regress and inclining factor were set forth .

    总结了用神经网络进行天然林保护规划的实施步骤, 阐述了规划举例、小斑标识 归一、小斑标识还原、倾斜因子等概念。

  • For several years researchers have explored the unification of theories enabling the fusion of heterogeneous information and have finally considered random set theory .

    众多研究者经过多年的探索发现,随机 理论 有望解决这个难题。