


  • The numbers of protons and electrons in an atom are normally the same giving an uncharged atom .

    通常,原子内的质子和电子的数目是相同的,所以原子 电荷

  • The charged objects are of properties exchanging charged or uncharged particles in order to achieve the state of nature .

    带电物体有向空间交换带电和 带电的微粒 以达到其中性状态的性质。

  • An uncharged particle ; an uncharged battery .


  • Uncharged soluble organic materials can not carry a current .


  • A view popular in physics is to start with uncharged electrons and cores which are therefore both free and plane waves and can have any energy and then fade in the charge .

    物理学中流行的方法是 从不 带电的电子和 原子核出发,因为它们是自由的平面波,可以具有任意能量,并在带电后衰减。

  • The force between two charged objects is from the exchange of charged and uncharged particles .

    两个带电物体之间的作用力,是通过交换带电和 带电的微粒子 实现的。

  • I took an uncharged balloon and rubbed it on my uncharged hair .

    我用一个 带电的气球与我的同样不带电的头发摩擦。

  • In cases of problem loans a monthly follow-up cum review report is required to be submitted to the authority within whose delegation the present outstanding plus the uncharged interest if any falls .

    对于不良贷款,分行应每月向领导提交追踪调查报告及复查报告,正是在该领导的 批准下当前贷款及 利息(有的话) 未能收回。

  • However unlike most of the DNA and RNA oligonucleotides PNAs are poorly penetrated through the cell membrane partially due to their uncharged property .

    然而,与大多数DNA和RNA寡核苷酸不同,肽核酸的透膜能力很差,部分原因是由于它们 具有 电荷的性质。

  • The half life of the uncharged pion is 6 ×?? . It has a half-life of about 41 / 2 billion years .

    中性兀介子的半衰期为6×?得 ?/UK>它的半衰期大约为45亿年。

  • One-loop Electroweak Corrections to Electron-positron Pair Production Via Two Photon Collisions in the SM ; In an aerosol containing equal numbers of charged particles of both signs the diffusive encounters for oppositely charged particles are more effective than for uncharged particles .

    标准模型下双光子碰撞产生电子对的一圈弱电辐射修正若气溶胶中含有等量正负带电粒子, 那么 正负带电粒子间的扩散碰撞比非 带电粒子更容易 实现

  • In Chapter One we discussed the concept of Casimir energy and calculated the Casimir energy between two large uncharged conducting plates . The role of the Casimir effect in different fields of physics was emphasized .

    本文内容安排大致如下:在第一章中主要讨论了Casimir效应的一些基本概念,并具体计算了两 无限大导电平板之间的Casimir能量。

  • In this paper the adopted vibration reduction measures including the determination of excavating sequence cut mode advance per round the use of millisecond delay blasting and the set up of uncharged peripheral holes and others are discussed .

    本文论述了所采取的各种减震措施,其中包括开挖顺序、掏 形式、 循环 进尺的确定,微差爆破的使用以及周边空孔的设置等。

  • Uncharged Monolithic Capillary Column Modified with an Anionic Surfactant in Electrochromatography


  • This paper gives an account of the advantages of using vertical cut multiple uncharged holes in excavation of tunnels and brings forward the criteria and the base principles so as to make possible for adequate choice of hole parameters in design work .

    本文阐述了使用 多空孔垂直掏 方法的优点,并提出了在设计工作中合理选择空孔参数的论据和基本原则。

  • In an aerosol containing equal numbers of charged particles of both signs the diffusive encounters for oppositely charged particles are more effective than for uncharged particles .

    若气溶胶中含有等量正负带电粒子, 那么 正负带电粒子间的扩散碰撞比非 带电粒子更容易 实现

  • Graft copolymers of solubilized starch oxidized starch and corn starch with polyacrylamide have been synthesized respectively using the ceric ammonium nitrate initiation system and corresponding anionic graft copolymers have been prepared by alkaline hydrolysis of uncharged graft copolymers .

    以硝酸铈铵为引发剂,分别合成了可溶性淀粉、玉米淀粉及氧化淀粉与丙烯酰胺的 接枝共聚物,并经碱性水解制备了相应的阴离子型 衍生物

  • Ultimate tensile strength elongation and area reduction of charged specimen with hydrogen were the same as that of uncharged specimen i.e. there is no hydrogen embrittlement for copper .

    纯铜充氢后 并不 改变 组织 结构 晶粒大。 而且抗拉强度、延伸率和面 缩率 变化,这表明铜没有氢脆。

  • In the reading action the effect of the beam on the charged or uncharged area is detected .

    在读操作时,则是检测电子束在有电荷区或 电荷区的效应。

  • The capture mechanism of inertia impaction electrostatic effect interception and so on was analyzed in the simulation experiment and the capture mechanism of charged droplets was compared with that of uncharged droplets .

    模拟实验中研究了静电效应,惯性效应,拦截效应等作用的捕 机理。并将雾滴荷电时的捕集机理同 雾滴 时的 情况进行了比较分析。

  • In aqueous solution most amino acids are ionized to form zwitterions or internal salts rather than uncharged molecules .

    在水溶液中,多数氨基酸电离形成两性离子,或内盐,而不是 带电分子。

  • The clay mineral 's surface acidity in aqueous solution may originate from exchangeable H ~ + Al ~ ( 3 + ) and uncharged siloxane surface .

    水溶液中可能的粘土表面酸位为交换性Al3+、H+以及 2 1型矿物表面 电荷 部分

  • The rejection of uncharged molecular by NF membrane was influenced by sieve effect only and the observed transmission of uncharged molecular through NF membrane is neither influence with flux nor feed concentration the only influence is membrane pore size .

    中性 分子 透过纳滤膜时仅受筛分作用,其表观透过率不随原料液通量及浓度变化,仅受膜孔径影响,且表观透过 数值 大于带电离子。

  • A thermodynamic equation of state ( EOS ) for uncharged microemulsion system is established by combining the modified Carnahan Starling equation and Hamaker equation which describes the attractive interaction between droplets . By using this EOS phase equilibrium properties of uncharged microemulsion systems are studied .

    基于液滴变形模型,结合改进的 CarnahanStarling方程和适用于描述液滴吸引作用的Hamaker方程建立了一个微乳液体系的状态方程。

  • HB Memphis : substitutes one uncharged polar residue for another of similar size on the surface .

    表面上的一个 带电的极性基团被另一个相似 带电的极性基团取代。

  • The dilution ratio ore drawing is that under the circumstance of uncharged overall recovery of the mine the dilution ratio is decreased gradually and ore removal grade is increased so as to decrease mixture of barren stones and to bring benefit for the mine .

    所谓 贫化放矿即在保证 矿山总体回收率 基本 不变的情况下,逐步降低贫化率,提高出矿品位,从而降低废石混入,为企业带来效益。