umbilical prolapse

[ʌmˈbɪlɪkəl proˈlæps][ˌʌmbiˈlaikəl ˈprəulæps]

[医] 脐带脱垂

  • If discover umbilical prolapse or doubt have an embryo dish inchoate come off should aid in time with obstetric forceps produce or travel buttock drawing art childbirth goes out the2nd fetal ;

    如发现 脐带 脱垂或疑有胎盘早期剥离,应及时用产钳助产或行臀位牵引术娩出第二胎儿;

  • Methods : Fifty-two pregnant women with fetal umbilical cord prolapse were enrolled and undergone cesarean section or vaginal delivery respectively according to clinical demand the perinatal mortality rates and the incidence of fetal injury maternal puerperal infection hemorrhage or hematoma and tissue injury were compared .

    方法:52例发生胎儿 脐带 脱垂的产妇,根据临床情况分别进行剖宫产和阴道助产,比较两组间新生儿死亡率、新生儿产伤和产妇产褥感染、出血或血肿、组织损伤的发生率。

  • Objective : To explore the clinical signs relevant factors diagnosis treatment of umbilical cord prolapse and study the relationship between it and neonatal prognosis .

    目的:研究 显性 脐带 脱垂的临床表现并探讨 脐带 脱垂的有关因素、诊断、处理及与围产儿预后的关系。

  • Umbilical cord is shown first or prolapse is not big to the puerpera 's influence just raise operation yield .

    脐带先露或 脱垂对产妇的影响不大,只是增加手术产率。

  • The Peripartum Clinical Course of Umbilical Cord Prolapse with Vertex Presentation

    头位 脐带 脱垂的临床探讨

  • No serious complication occurred to the mothers and babies except that one newborn baby died by suffocation because of umbilical cord prolapse and its mother suffered from perineum injury ⅲ .

    除1例 脐带 脱垂病例新生儿窒息死亡、产妇发生会阴Ⅲ度裂伤外,母婴无严重并发症发生。

  • Impact of Vaginal Delivery or Cesarean Section on Clinical Outcomes of Umbilical Cord Prolapse

    阴道助产与剖宫产对 脐带 脱垂预后的影响