underwriting year

[经] 保险业务年度

  • Kelly adds that Goldman Sachs ( GS ) is considered to have pole position for underwriting rights due to its managing of a $ 1.5 billion secondary sale last year and that Facebook is unlikely to use a Dutch auction model .

    此外,凯利在报道称,舆论认为高盛公司(GoldmanSachs)已经在Facebook上市 承销权的 竞争 先机,因为Facebook 去年价值15亿美元的私股配售就是由高盛经手管理的。

  • Under the leadership of Tad Montross General Re had an outstanding underwriting year in2009 while also delivering us unusually large amounts of float per dollar of premium volume .

    泰德-蒙特罗斯(TadMontross)领导下的GeneralRe在2009 完成了突出的 承保盈利业绩,并且为我们提供了罕有的大笔流动资金。

  • Bond underwriting fees rose 85 % in the fourth quarter from the same period a year ago .

    债券 承销费用第四季度 同比上涨了85%。

  • Fees from stock market underwriting and trading rose 55 % and 25 % from the same period a year ago .

    季度,这 银行的股票 承销和交易佣金收入 同比分别大增55%和25%。

  • The spike in underwriting fees which touched a record low in the first quarter of this year will boost profits of banks ' securities units at a time when they have been hit by the slump in lucrative markets such as securitisations and mergers .

    在证券化和并购等高利润市场的滑坡对银行证券部门造成冲击之际, 承销费的激增将提振各银行 证券部门的盈利。 今年第一季度, 承销费创历史新低。