undivided attention


  • We should select several thousand of our most qualified personnel from within the scientific and technological establishment and create conditions that will allow them to devote their undivided attention to research .

    要从科技系统中挑选出几千名尖子人才。这些人挑选出来之后,就为他们创造条件,让他们 专心致志 做研究工作。

  • The women pay for a man to lavish them with undivided attention .

    女性会出钱让一位男性来 心无旁骛地对她们 大大 赞美

  • They get off their phones . People appreciate undivided attention because it makes them feel like you 're truly listening to them . It makes them feel that you value their presence and time .

    人们会欣赏 一心一意 关注,因为那样会让人们觉得你真的在倾听他们,真的在重视他们的存在与时间。

  • At the start of the game the mother gives the child her undivided attention .

    试验开始时,这位母亲 ,与孩子在一起。

  • The best present a man can give a woman is his undivided attention .

    男人给女人的最佳礼物,就是 一心一意

  • How do you get him to give you his undivided attention ?

    如何能让他 认真听你 说话呢?

  • You have my undivided attention

    专心 你所

  • I was listening with undivided attention .

    我正 专心致志 听着。

  • What I need in my class is their undivided attention and their openness to the idea that learning English is never difficult ! It 's indeed fun !

    在课堂上我所需要的,是学生的 专注 ,以及 宽阔的心态接受“学英文并非难事”的想法,因为学英文真的太有趣了!

  • While you give your undivided attention to the things that you do want .

    注意力 放到你希望的事物上。

  • Love you for life undivided attention and every little bit .

    爱你一生一世, 一心一意,一点一滴。

  • And then even more shocking they had all of their undivided attention .

    然而,更让我震惊的是,所有人的 目光他们 吸引了;

  • Adults rarely give the television their undivided attention .

    成年人很少会 专心 看电视。

  • Let phone calls go to voice mail until you can give callers your undivided attention .

    打电话时除非你能把所有 注意力在对方身上,否则就选择语音邮件的形式吧。

  • Tom seldom got his mother 's undivided attention .

    汤姆很少受到母亲 全心 关怀

  • As sad as that is there is something good about it : I have the undivided attention of people who otherwise don 't think about spiritual things .

    虽然这是让人忧伤的事,但却有些好处:那些平时完全不去想属灵的事的人, 这时候专心 聆听我带出的信息。

  • Remember also that your child will have had your happy and undivided attention and there is nothing that a tiny child loves more than that .

    并记住,孩子 在此 期间将得到你快乐 专注 关注,这是幼小的孩子所最喜爱的。

  • Although I can not give undivided attention to English study my mother however is patient with me .

    虽然我不能够 专心的学习英语,但是我的妈妈仍然对我很有耐心。

  • He often works with undivided attention .

    他经常是 一心一意 做事

  • This is my undivided attention .

    这是我 唯一 关注 问题

  • She is looking at the maps with undivided attention .

    她正在 全神贯注 看地图。

  • Give people your undivided attention when they are talking to you .

    当别人和你谈话时要 全神贯注 倾听

  • He was impressed by the motivation of entrepreneurs and schoolchildren but also troubled that China 's one-child policy meant each child had the undivided attention of two parents and four grandparents .

    他对企业家和学校孩子的进取心印象深刻,但他发现,中国的独生子女政策意味着每个孩子被2个父母和4个祖父母及外祖父母 全心 照料,这使他感到不安。

  • They can wait an hour to return a call to someone when they can give them undivided attention rather than doing it immediately while also typing an e-mail and worrying about finishing a document .

    当他们能够 专心致志 完成某项任务时,他们可以等待一个小时再回复某人的来电,而不是一边立即回复电话,一边还在写电邮,心里还想着需要完成某份文件。

  • Actually he often works with undivided attention .

    事实上,他经常是 一心一意 做事

  • It was annoying that the box which was thus attracting the undivided attention of masculine New York should be that in which his betrothed was seated between her mother and aunt ;

    讨厌的是,如此吸引着纽约男性 世界 全部 注意力的包厢竟是他未婚妻就坐的那一个,她坐在母亲与舅妈中间。

  • Eldest children are the only ones to have experienced the undivided attention of their parents

    只有老大得到过父母 一心一意 照顾

  • Are these information details and pleasures in your site in order to get their undivided attention and loyalty ?

    你网站中的这些信息、节和趣事 能否获取他们的 注意力和忠心?

  • When you listen give them your undivided attention and ask questions .

    当你是个听众时,一定要 全神贯注 了问点问题。