

v.解开松开( undo的过去式 )毁灭败坏

  • He undid most of the good work of his predecessor .

    前任的大部分 业绩 毁掉

  • When I was placed in her arms she undid her top .

    看护放我在她的臂上,她 解开 怀

  • She undid her top button still laughing and coughing at the same time .

    拉开 领口 钮子,一边笑,一边咳。

  • I undid the bottom two buttons of my yellow and grey shirt

    解开 自己黄灰相间的衬衫上最下面的两个纽扣。

  • I undid my watch strap .

    解开 表带。

  • As they undid the letter the piece of paper saying they were all alive fell on the ground .

    他们 打开那封信时,那张说所有人都活着的字条掉到了地上。

  • I undid two buttons of my white shirt .

    解开 白衬衫上的两个扣子。

  • He sat down in the sluttish armchair and undid the straps of the brief-case .

    他在那张邋遢的沙发上坐下来,把公文包的搭扣带 松开

  • And then when my head was well in the room I undid the lantern just so much that a single thin ray of light fell upon the vulture eye .

    然后,当我的头很好,我 解开 房间的灯就如此之快,以至于单一薄的光芒落鹰眼。

  • He quickly undid the screws that held the cassette together .

    他很快地 拧开 磁带盒的螺丝。

  • When the winds of winter began to blow and snow fell in chunks we undid the snap under the horse 's belly . We went to the bazaar and bought bamboo glue string and paper .

    到得寒风呼啸、雪花 飞舞的时候,我们 揭开 马腹部的盖子,到市场去买竹子、胶水、线、纸。

  • He undid the package .

    解开 那个包裹。

  • So speaking she undid the clasp that fastened the scarlet letter and taking it from her bosom threw it to a distance among the withered leaves .

    一边这样说着,一边 解开别着红字的胸针,从胸前取下红字,远远地抛到枯叶之中。

  • She undid her broad lace collar before the mirror and unfastened her pretty alligator belt which she had recently bought .

    她在镜子前 解开自己的宽花边领饰,又解下了漂亮的鳄鱼皮带,那是她最近才买的。

  • He undid the parcel .


  • Leaving the door ajar amid the stench of mouldy limewash and stale cobwebs he undid his braces .

    门半掩着,在发霉的石灰浆和陈年的蜘蛛网的臭气中,解下 背带

  • No please do not refuse Sasha went on muttering as he unpacked the parcel . Sasha undid the object and put it solemnly on the table .

    不,劳驾,您千万不要推辞,萨沙继续嘟哝说,打开纸包。 萨沙拆开这件东西的纸包,郑重地把它放在他的桌子上。

  • 72 . The doctor 's doctrine undid one dollar and a dozen of collars .

    72.博士的学说 毁掉 一美元和一打衣领。

  • Winston undid the bit of string that held his overalls together .

    温斯顿 工作服的一根 绳子 解开

  • Please undo the package she said ; and I undid the string .

    请解开这个包裹,她说;于是我 便将绳子 解开

  • I then turned the doll over onto it 's front and undid the back of the dress . I checked to see if there was some kind of battery station or switch .

    我将娃娃翻过来,将它背后的衣服 解开,想找找看有没有什么 电池的地方或者开关 之类的。

  • I undid the screws to get the door off .

    螺丝 拧开才把门拆掉。

  • She undid her hair and let it fall across her Back .


  • He bent down and undid his shoelaces .

    他俯下身 解开鞋带。

  • Attiring himself with as much care as if it had been for public worship and precisely in the same manner he stole softly down the staircase undid the door and issued forth .

    此时他象赴公众礼拜一样,着意将自己,打扮一番,然后以相应的一丝不苟的姿态,蹑手蹑脚地走下楼梯, 打开房门,向前走去。

  • The disastrous fire undid months of hard work .

    灾难性的大火 使 我们数月的辛勤劳动 化为乌有

  • And I reached over and I undid his fly .

    我伸手 他的小 弟弟 出来