Stimulating Interest : Unexhausted Power in Chinese Teaching
激趣:语文教学 不 竭的动力 & 中学 语文兴趣教学 初探
The talents are the unexhausted power for the development of the country and the society .
人才是国家发展、社会 进步 的 不 竭 动力。
The objective requirements of the manpower-capital development as well as the intrinsic relationship between the nature and functions of lifetime education determines lifetime education to be the unexhausted resources of the manpower-capital proliferation .
人力资本开发的客观要求与终身教育的本质和功能的内在逻辑联系,决定了人力资本增值的 不 竭 源泉是终身教育。
In the new era of knowledge economy a sustainable way of scientific and technical ( S & T ) innovation in large general hospitals will provide them with unexhausted power of development .
在新的历史条件下,可持续的科技创新将为大型综合医院的发展提供 不 竭动力。
That public selection cultivates its objects will be the unexhausted power source with which the institution of public selecting justice develops excellently .
公选公正对公选对象的培育,将成为 公选制度 自我 良性发展的 不 竭 动力 之源。
Trainers themselves are also the living carrier of curriculum resources and the unexhausted power of the construction of curriculum resources to release wisdom and realize value innovatively in training new curriculum .
培训者本身也是课程资源的生命载体,培训者在新课程培训中创造性智慧的释放和创造性价值的实现本身就是课程资源建设的 不 竭动力。
Lifetime Education : Unexhausted Resources Of the Manpower-Capital Proliferation
终身教育:人力资本增值的 不 竭 源泉
Fishery is a renewable resource . It is unexhausted only when properly utilized .
渔业资源是一种可更新的资源,只要利用得当, 就会 取之不尽, 用之不竭。
A common trait shared by all excellent writers is their fondness for expressing life experience which is the sustained driver and unexhausted source for a writer .
钟情于生命体验的书写,这是所有优秀的作家一个共同的特点,因为生命体验 乃是一个作家经久 不 衰 的 创作驱动力,也是作家 永不 枯竭 的 艺术源泉。
Creativeness Is Unexhausted Resource of Continuance and Rapid Development of Hospital
创新是医院持续快速发展的 不 竭 动力