The actions pane technology builds upon the underlying smart document technology .
操作窗格技术以 基础智能 文档技术为 基础。
Elements of the logical model have properties and relationships reflecting a subset of their characteristics as defined in the underlying document .
逻辑模型的元素具有属性和关系,用于反映其 基础 文档中定义的特征子集。
Be careful when dealing with HTML collections because they represent the live underlying document .
小心地处理HTML集合,因为他们表现出“存在性”,总是对 底层 文档重新 查询。
Annotations without changing the underlying document .
加注并无须改变 所在 文档。
The main task of a question-answer system is to locate the most matching answer from the underlying structured document collection .
主要任务就是从 底层的结构化 文档集合中找到用户需要的最合适的答案。
The primary goal in this study is to semantically link ink data with underlying document elements like text and images accurately locate lines position and build a foundation for future applications .
此项研究的基本目标是把 底层 文档元素(如文本、图片等)和线条进行相互联系,实现线条的准确定位并为今后更多的应用打下基础。
A Microsoft patent allows people to insert and review annotations without changing the underlying document and to select annotations and be brought to the related portion of the document .
微软的一项专利可让用户无须改变 所在 文档就插入并查看注解,同时可以选择注解并显示文档相关部分。
DOM is simple to learn and use because it closely matches the underlying XML document .
DOM易于学习和使用,因为它与 基本XML 文档紧密匹配。
This methods allows a smart guard condition at the beginning of every business logic method that relies on the validity of the underlying Notes document .
该方法允许在每个业务逻辑方法的开头部分设置智能守卫条件,该条件依赖于 底层Notes 文档的有效性。
Every view in a Lotus Notes database stores a summary of the underlying document data that allows users to navigate quickly and easily through the documents .
LotusNotes数据库中的每个视图都存储 底层 文档数据的摘要,允许用户快速轻松地导航文档。
美[ˈʌndɚˌlaɪɪŋ ˈdɑkjəmənt]英[ˌʌndəˈlaiiŋ ˈdɔkjumənt]