The noise occultation was significant and the undertone was the easiest one to be occulted .
噪音对信号的掩蔽作用显著,其中 低音最易被掩蔽。
In an undertone he gave me the lowdown on them .
他 低声给我有关他们的底细。
Cool skin types have a blue undertone in their skin .
冷色的肤色有蓝色的 基调。
His voice sank down to a steady and reproachful undertone .
他的声音降了下去,变得平稳了,里面还带 着点儿 责备。
There is also a suspicion that Chuan Ying Lou seems to carry an erotic undertone & does it in any way reflect my romances ?
又怀疑 着这钏影楼 三 字,好像是个 香艳 的 名词,有没有我的什么罗曼史在里面?
The undertone is very clear : the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession .
该 底色是非常明确的:当时的婚姻的基础是感情,但不占有。
Hung-chien and his wife heard it all very clearly and blushed simultaneously but could not easily refute it since wen-wan 's question was spoken in an undertone as though not meant for their ears .
鸿渐夫妇全听清了,脸同时发红,可是不便驳答,因为文 纨问的 声音 低得似乎不准备给他们听见。
He turned back to the boy and said in a trusting and secretive undertone : let 's not pay any attention to him ok ?
他又转向男孩,用一种信任而机密的 口气 小声说,“咱们别理他,嗯?”
' What d'you think ? ' she asked in an undertone
“你觉得怎么样?”她 小声 地问道。
He replied laughing but with a undertone of regret .
他笑着答道,不过笑声中带有 一丝后悔的 味道。
The young director filmed this story in a bittersweet undertone playing with fictional and documentary codes .
年轻的导演以一种 苦乐参半的语调讲述了这个故事,虚构与纪实的 因素穿插 其间。
It is the thought of sin that will keep you low at His feet and give the deep undertone to all your adoration .
就是因为想到罪,才使你低声俯伏在他脚前,深深 地 降服敬拜他。
Though her expression was serious her voice had an undertone of amusement .
虽然她 表面 镇静,但声音里却 流露 出 喜悦。
Convicting Ms Tymoshenko for a gas deal done with Vladimir Putin Russia 's prime minister and future president has an anti-Russian undertone said the foreign ministry .
外交部称,判决季莫申科和俄国前总理暨现任总统 弗拉基米尔。普金有天然气交易,有一种反对俄罗斯的潜在 意味。
But throughout it all and through the whole discourse there had been a certain deep sad undertone of pathos which could not be interpreted otherwise than as the natural regret of one soon to pass away .
但是,贯穿布道 词始终的,一直有某种 低沉、哀伤的悲 调,使人们只能将其解释为一个即将告别 人世的人的自然的仟悔。
Marks a unique air undertone and attitude towards the life
是一种空间、是一种 气息、是一种生活的态度
Most people should use a blush with a slight brown undertone for best results . Blushes with red undertones can actually make the face look heavier than it is .
大部分人都会用点 腮红来 衬托 肤色。 然而 往往腮红会让脸看起来比较臃肿。
Ron told Harry and Hermione in an undertone as they left Percy to it .
他们离开珀西时,罗恩 低声对哈利和赫敏说。
The sobbing voice had an undertone of anger .
啜泣声中 隐隐 透 着愤怒。
The warning undertone is that unless we as consumers purchase the components of childhood we might not get it right .
一个 微弱 的 声音警告说,作为消费者,如果我们不购买这些童年构成品,我们就可能做错。
A remark made in an undertone so as to be inaudible to others nearby .
窃窃私语 小声说出以不让旁边其他人听到的话。
The nose is full of bright berry fruit and violets with green pepper and a soft tobacco-like undertone .
富有鲜美的干果仁水果味及伴有轻微青椒和柔软烟草味的紫罗兰香味,就像在 窃窃私语。
It was this profound and continual undertone that gave the clergyman his most appropriate power .
牧师正是 靠了这种深邃而持续的 低沉 语调而 获得了恰到好处的力量。
Mrs. Fisher added in an undertone to Selden .
费雪太太 小声对赛尔登说。
There was an undertone of bitterness in his words .
他话中有 刺。
Well-dressed clients were talking in polite undertones as they ate .
衣着光鲜的顾客们边吃边斯文地 低声 聊 着 天。
Across town at Cones in the West Village corn ice cream comes with a toasty undertone and a dusting of cinnamon .
在城的另一端,西村圆筒冰激凌店( Cones)里的玉米冰激凌有烤面包的 底色, 外面 撒了一层肉桂。
If you 're fair-skinned go for a shade of dress that is more pink or peach in its undertone .
如果你是浅白肤色,就穿一条 底色以粉色或桃红色为主的礼服。
But he did call me to answer . I stood up slowly from my chair with a blush on my face and stated in an undertone due to lack of confidence .
但是他还是点了我,我从椅子上缓慢地站起来,脸煞得红了,因为没有自信,我 很 小声 地回答了他的问题。