Iraqis themselves are understandably disillusioned and hostile .
伊拉克人 也开始醒悟过来,对美国充满了敌意。
Another explanation for this timidity is that understandably fund managers are minding their own backs .
这种怯懦的另一个解释是,基金经理人得考虑自己的后路, 这 也 可以 理解。
This has understandably cooled any enthusiasm for a revaluation in Beijing .
可以 理解 的 是,这种情况冲淡了北京方面让人民币升值的热情。
But China Telecom was understandably wary of any company controlled by one of its main competitors .
但 可以 理解的是,中国电信对任何一个被其主要竞争对手控制的企业都心存戒备。
Americans still find it hard to be relaxed about the rise of China – and understandably so .
美国对中国的崛起仍难以放松& 这 是 可以 理解的。
Student dissatisfaction is evidently and understandably widespread .
学生们普遍的不满很明显, 也 可以 理解。
Understandably many in Congress despair of fixing the system .
不 难 理解,美国国会许多议员对修正该体系感到绝望。
With new security threats cropping up every day network managers are understandably protective of their computing assets .
每天都会出现新的安全威胁,而网络管理人员则 成为了其计算资产的保护者。
Understandably she freaked out and I left .
很 容易 理解,她吃惊了我离开了。
He was understandably a bit nervous but I repeat I excused myself .
他 理解我的压力,但是我重复,我很抱歉。
But he was touchy about his personal life understandably .
但是他对自己的私生活很敏感, 这 是 可以 理解的。
He was understandably dejected after losing in the first round to an unseeded American .
第一轮就输给了一位美国的非种子选手,他的沮丧是 可以 理解的。
He was understandably upset when he lost the game .
他比赛输了,心烦意乱是 可以 理解的。
Understandably many investors want a piece of this most exciting of emerging markets .
可以 理解, 为什么 那么多投资者希望从这个最激动人心的新兴市场分一杯羹。
Understandably many social critics find this troublesome blaming technology for invading our lives .
可以 理解 的 是,许多社会评论家发现这让人很烦,并指责技术侵扰了我们的生活。
Some German officials are now understandably frustrated and sceptical about the possibility of a common EU approach to China .
一些德国官员现在 很有挫败感( 这 可以 理解),甚至开始怀疑欧盟对华采取共同立场的可行性。
And regulators are understandably still taking a conservative approach on policy .
而监管者在政策上仍然采取保守的应对方法, 这 也是 可以 理解的。
I called her to share my findings and she was understandably creeped out .
我打电话告诉她我的发现, 可想而知,她吓坏了。
Understandably this makes managers uncomfortable . We came to an understanding after the argument .
可以 理解 的 是,这使得经理们不舒服。经过争辩以后,我们达成了谅解。
Understandably Mr Paulson has been reluctant to put more taxpayers ' money at risk .
保尔森一直不愿拿更多纳税人的钱来冒险, 这 可以 理解。
Understandably you want to delay the hard decisions : so you get started with Asia .
可以 理解 的 是,你想推迟艰难的决定,因此你从亚洲开始。
The hotel are understandably coy about the incident
酒店对那次事件不愿多说, 这 可以 理解 。
He was an ambitious man understandably so but he lack tact .
他是个雄心勃勃的人, 这 是 可以 理解的,但他缺乏圆滑。
He was understandably worried when his doctor told him he would have to have a brain scan .
当医生告诉他他得去做一个脑部扫描时,他 自然 忧虑起来了。
The civil war is a mire which Western leaders are understandably reluctant to be drawn into .
这场内战是一个泥潭,西方领导人 可以 理解 小愿被卷入。
Western policymakers facing slow growth and furious electorates are understandably fed up .
面对缓慢的增长和愤怒的选民,西方政策制定者们对中国感到忍无可忍,是 可以 理解的。
Understandably there has been much discussion about the concept of too big to fail .
可以 理解 的 是,人们对“太大而不能倒”的概念展开了大量讨论。