Methods : The clinical data of 115 female patients with acute right underbelly were analyzed retrospectively .
方法:回顾分析 不明 原因女性急性右 下腹 痛115例的临床资料。
The missiles emerge from the underbelly of the transport plane .
导弹从那架 运输机的底部 飞了出来。
The sick woman complains on acute pain in the underbelly ( in the heart area ) .
患病妇女说她 下腹剧痛(心脏部分)。
The ANC are attacking rugby because it is the soft underbelly of South African sport
橄榄球运动在“非国大”受到抨击,因为它是南非体育的 软肋。
Inadvertent disclosures by judges sometimes offer an extraordinary glimpse of the legal system 's underbelly .
法官无意中透露的一些情况有时能见微知著地 揭示 出司法制度的 薄弱 之处。
You have to go for the soft liberal underbelly .
你得 攻击 易 攻的自由主义的 弱点。
The trade deficit remains the soft underbelly of the US economy .
贸易赤字仍是美国经济的软 助。
The current unlicensed cars has become the soft underbelly of urban traffic not only disrupted the market order against the legitimate interests of the operators but also seriously affected the image of the city .
当前黑车已经成为我国 许多城市交通运输的 软肋,严重扰乱了市场正常的运营秩序,不仅侵害了合法经营者的利益,而且影响了城市形象。
Cannes has a dirty underbelly
戛纳也有 软肋
But the underbelly of the beats are all the same .
但其 低音 部分的拍子却是一样的。
The abdomen swells the underbelly holds and the block thing or has frequent micturition the constipation the bowel movement to be impeded to be sterile .
腹部胀大, 下腹 部 扪及块物,或有尿频、便秘、大便不畅、不孕。
Analysis of Curative effect in 24 cases of underbelly fat accumulation underwent tumescent Liposuction technique
By exposing its underbelly to any potential attacker it is showing that it doesn 't mean any trouble .
通过露出其 下 腹部给任何潜在的攻击者来表示它不会反抗。
Through the cellophane waters of florida 's freshwaters springs the underbelly of an American alligator looks decidedly vulnerable .
透过佛州清泉晶莹剔透的泉水,美洲鳄鱼的 腹部看起来非常容易被攻击。
This is the city 's dusty underbelly an unplanned settlement where people try to make a meager living selling home made breads and chapattis from their door step .
这里常常 尘土飞扬,并不是一个适合居住的 地方,那里的居民靠在家门口出售自制的面包和薄煎饼维持艰难的生活。
In the treatment or post-operative period the syndrome of post embolism appeared in different degrees such as the pain of underbelly the bulge of loin and the fever etc.
治疗中或术后出现不同程度的 下 腹部、腰部坠胀疼痛及发热等栓塞后综合征。
Teenagers are nothing if not experts at looking at the cruel torturous underbelly of life .
少年是将生活 看做残忍,残酷的专家。
Mr Ott adds that China has been playing defence in North-East Asia but sees opportunity in the ' soft underbelly ' that is South-East Asia .
奥特又表示,中国一直在东北亚“处于守势”,但在东南亚“这一 软肋看到了机会”。
Green datacenters typically are built around the idea of maximizing datacenter resources using virtualization software as its underbelly .
绿色的数据中心通常通过虚拟化软件 尽可能充分地利用数据中心资源。
Instead he produced some famous photographs . They were taken in August 1972 by an underwater camera triggered by a sonar beam and seemed to show a diamond-shaped flipper attached to a large underbelly .
他在1972年8月用水下声纳摄影机拍摄了几张很有名的照片,上面显示的似乎是 水怪巨大的下 腹部,一个钻石状的菱形鳍状肢附在其上。
Methods 24 cases of underbelly fat accumulation underwent tumescent liposuction technique .
方法对24例下 腹部脂肪堆积 症行肿胀吸脂术治疗。
Figurative he became familiar with the dark underbelly of life in the city .
他逐渐熟悉都市生活的 阴暗 面。
Conclusion : Regular underbelly kneading and perineum rinsing in the early postpartum can promote self-urination of lying-in women which play obvious role in prevention of postpartum urine retention .
结论:产后早期定时 下腹按摩结合会阴冲洗可促进产妇及早自解小便,对预防产后尿潴留的发生有明显的效果。
But in a world where most other religious shrines have even darker undertones the underbelly of Disney still looks relatively innocent and happy .
但在当今世界上,其他多数宗教圣地都笼罩在更加灰暗的色调 下,如此看来,迪士尼的 软肋似乎还是相对单纯而美好的。
But when it happens in bitcoin the currency appears to be part and parcel with the criminal underbelly of society .
但如果犯罪 分子使用比特币,这种货币似乎就 成了 罪恶社会不可或缺的一环。
How did it ever find me here in the underbelly of the world ?
我如何在这个世界的 地下找到它?
Small businesses are the soft underbelly of the British economy and they need as much government support as possible .
小公司是英国经济的 最 薄弱 部分,他们需要尽可能多的政府支持。
The stock-market crisis struck at the soft underbelly of the US economy eg its trade deficit .
股市危机打击了美国经济的 薄弱 环节(如贸易逆差)。
And using the fault tree analysis technique points out the underbelly of the system which could help the reliability design and improvement ;
并利用故障树分析技术, 给出了系统的 软件故障树,指出系统的 薄弱 环节,这对系统的可靠性设计、进一步改进和完善具有很好的指导意义;
On the one hand this could merely be the light of the moon on the snow reflecting off the soft underbelly of the animal .
另一方面,也可能是月光洒向雪地,反射到动物的 下腹。