unemployment rate

[ˌʌnɛmˈplɔɪmənt ret][ˌʌnimˈplɔimənt reit]


  • What is more the official unemployment rate disguises the true state of companies ' demand for workers .

    此外,官方 失业 也掩盖了企业对工人需求的真实状况。

  • The unemployment rate has been projected to fall .

    据预测 失业 将下降。

  • Have the demographic and education factors affected the unemployment rate ?

    人口结构和教育因素有否影响 失业

  • The unemployment rate has fallen from 10 % to 7.3 % .

    失业 已经从10%下降到了7.3%。

  • I heard that registered urban unemployment rate reached 4 percent this year with more than half being women .

    我听说今年城镇居民的 失业 达到4%,而其中一半以上都是女的。

  • The result marks the first time the unemployment rate has dropped below the5 percent level in10 months .

    结果标志着第一次 失业 下降在百分之5水平以下在10个月内。

  • He is part of a vast group of people who are not captured by the unemployment rate .

    有一大群和他一样的人没有被计入 失业 统计

  • But a large black market probably means the 20 per cent unemployment rate is overstated .

    但大型黑市的存在可能意味着,20%的 失业 有些夸张。

  • This measure has curbed economic growth and caused the rising of unemployment rate .

    这种措施抑制了经济增长,并使 失业 上升。

  • In Spain alone the youth unemployment rate is over 40 % .

    光是在西班牙,年轻 人口 失业 就超过了40%。

  • I don 't think the unemployment rate ever tells us much about the future

    我认为,从 失业 上永远看不出未来的情况究竟如何。

  • No one disputes the direct linkage between the unemployment rate and crime

    谁都不会质疑 失业 与犯罪之间存在直接联系。

  • High unemployment rate worse still has undermined the social stability .

    更为糟糕的是,居高不下的 失业 破坏了社会稳定。

  • The unemployment rate is 8.3 % ; in the latest quarter GDP hardly grew at all .

    目前美国的 失业 为8.3%;在最近一个季度,美国GDP基本停止了增长。

  • This is especially a concern for France which has an unemployment rate of9.9 % .

    对于 失业 达9.9%的法国而言,这尤其让人忧心。

  • We may compare the unemployment rate and the stability of prices of two countries .

    我们可能比较 失业 和二个国家的价格的安定。

  • Italy 's unemployment rate rose to twelve per cent of the labour force in july .

    意大利七月份的 失业 上升到劳动力的百分之十二。

  • The unemployment rate of 1998 cut a record .

    1998年的 失业 创下了记录。

  • A sizeable current account deficit and high unemployment rate remain the two most serious economic problems .

    规模巨大的货币赤字和高的 失业 仍然是最严重的两大经济问题。

  • In the past year we have witnessed the increasing unemployment rate and the debt crisis in Europe .

    在过去的一年里,我们目睹了全球 失业 在不断攀升,关注着欧洲债务危机升级。

  • The unemployment rate hit a six-year low and average hourly earnings for private sector workers rose .

    失业 触及6年来新低,私营部门劳动者的平均时薪也提高了。

  • The currency zone 's unemployment rate was stable at 6.9 % in July .

    欧元流通区的 失业 7月份还是稳定在6.9%。

  • The unemployment rate for the entire working-age population last month was 7.6 % .

    今年3月份美国整个劳动年龄人口的 失业 为7.6%。

  • That brought the unemployment rate to its lowest level in five years .

    这将 失业 降到了5年来的最低点。

  • They also point to the10 percent national unemployment rate as proof that administration policies have not been effective .

    他们同时把全国百分之10的 失业 作为奥巴马政府的政策没有效果的证据。

  • The unemployment rate rose by 7 percentage points in previous crises on average .

    在之前的危机中, 失业 平均上升7个百分点。

  • It was around this time last year when the unemployment rate fell to its lowest level in two years .

    差不多是去年同一时间, 失业 降到了两年来的最低水平。

  • The nation 's unemployment rate has been climbing steadily since last June

    自去年6月以来,该国的 失业 一直在不断上升。

  • The unemployment rate now is at its postwar average level and continues to fall .

    眼下 失业 处于战后平均水平,并在继续下降。