


  • A strong breeze soon fanned the spark into a flame and the eaglets as yet unfledged and helpless were roasted in their nest and dropped down dead at the bottom of the tree .

    一阵风把火星吹燃了, 小鹰们羽毛尚未丰满,不能自救。他们在窝里被烤着,又摔到树下,死了。

  • And Hareton has been cast out like an unfledged dunnock !

    海尔顿境 羽毛未丰的鸟雀一样被撵走了!

  • Public utilities price hearing as an important component part of public utility prices control to a considerable extent has become public topic but theoretically the study of consumer in public utility prices hearing is still unfledged .

    公用事业价格听证作为公用事业价格管制的重要组成部分,近年来已经在相当程度上成为人们的公共话题。然而,理论上对于公用事业价格听证中消费者的研究还相当 缺乏

  • But for Remi a little unfledged rat these two months is too long a time .

    但是对于小米这样一只 青涩的小老鼠 而言,这两个月 如同两个 世纪 一般

  • A fledgling enterprise ; a fledgling skier ; an unfledged lawyer .

    羽翼未丰的企业;初学的滑雪者; 初出茅庐的律师。

  • The design concept is proposed by combining the complexity of Wargame rules and the unfledged appraisal method of current Wargame .

    这样的设计思路是结合兵棋规则的复杂性与当前兵棋 没有 成熟的评估方法提出的。

  • An unfledged or nestling hawk .


  • What I mean is that it will take a long time for the immature unfledged and underdeveloped socialist system to become mature full-fledged and developed .

    我是 社会主义 不成熟到 成熟不完善到完善, 不发达到比较发达,还需要一个很长的过程。

  • But did all these innovations turnout to be successful under the existing objective conditions of Chinese financial market and facing those unfledged investors ?

    但是,在中国金融市场现有客观条件下,面对尚未 成熟的投资者,这些创新是否个个都能取得成功呢?

  • A small unfledged sparrow on the window sill .

    窗台上一只 羽毛未丰的小麻雀。

  • The hawk is aerial brother of the wave which he sails over and surveys those his perfect air-inflated wings answering to the elemental unfledged pinions of the sea .

    鹰是波浪的空中兄弟,它在波浪之上飞行视察,在空中扑击的完美的鹰翅,如在 酬答海洋那元素的 没有羽毛的翅膀。

  • An unfledged or nestling hawk . It is a bird in full feather .
