The media has made unfeeling voyeurs of all of us .
媒体把我们所有人都变成了 无情刺探他人隐私的人。
He is an unfeeling brute !
他是个 冷酷无情的衣冠禽兽。
He was branded an unfeeling bully
他被说 成 冷酷的恶棍 。
At that insolent and unfeeling remark she felt like slapping his face .
听了那傲慢 无情的话,她恨不得扇他耳光。
The time is so unfeeling to pass .
时光的流逝又是如此的 无情。
You might call it unfeeling but that was the way I felt .
你也许会觉得这是 无情无义,然而那确实是我的感受。
But I think they 're so cold and unfeeling .
但我觉得它们太 冷漠。
What she saw was just an unfeeling corpse .
她见到的只是一 具 全无 感觉的尸体。
She accused me of being unfeeling because I left the cinema dry-eyed .
她指责我 没有 感情,因为离开电影院的时候我没哭。
Do you see the cold unfeeling I say not to export .
做给你看的冷漠 绝情,是我说不出口的 心痛。
He was an unfeeling wretch .
他是个 冷酷的家伙。
I did not think Charles would have been so unfeeling .
我原来以为他不 至于会这么 冷酷无情。
There 's no way anyone could accuse this woman of being cold and unfeeling
谁都不能指责这个女人冷血 无情 。
You might say ( someone ) is cold unfeeling w_200 but he isn 't.
道是 无情却有 情。
Or are you as cold and unfeeling as you seem ?
或者你就像看上去的那样 冷淡?
He 's a heartless unfeeling monster .
他是一个残酷 无情的恶魔。
He is an unfeeling brute .
他是一个 没有 心肝的畜生。
The likeness is indeed true but it is a dull dead unfeeling inauspicious likeness .
真的,它确实很象,但却是一种呆滞死板, 暮气沉沉,毫无情感的相似。
It was a flippant and unfeeling remark .
这番话既轻率又 无情。
His unfeeling remark betrays his lack of concern .
他那 冷冷的话语表现出他的漠不关心。
I don 't think there 's another man in all the world as unfeeling as you .
像你 这种 不近人情的男人,世界上我想没有第二个。
It truly would be unfeeling to leave him alone in this lousy station .
确实,如果就把他丢在这座糟糕的驿站 不管还 真 有些 不近人情。
This rude and unfeeling language hurt Aleck to the heart and she went from the presence crying .
这 句没 良心 的 粗话伤透了艾莱柯的心,她哭着跑到一边去了。
What a cold unfeeling woman she was
她真是个 冷酷无情的女人!
There has been something crude and heartless and unfeeling in our haste to succeed and be great .
我们急于成功就伟大 事业, 常常会 租 糙 成事、 冷酷无情。
He really lay Into her saying she is arrogant and unfeeling
他痛斥她,说她傲慢又 无情
You cold unfeeling thing .
你 这个 冷血的东西。