Indeed there is a case for saying that the figures set out above understate the possible growth in demand .
事实上,有理由认为上述数据 低估了中国需求的可能增长。
Yet even these figures understate the change that is taking place .
然而即使这些数据 相对发生在 他们 国内的变化 而言,有所 保留。
This figure may understate the problem however .
然而,这一数据可能 低估了问题的 严重 程度。
Moreover CBO 's baseline projections understate the budget deficits that would arise under many observers'interpretation of current policy as opposed to current law .
此外,国会预算办公室的基线预测 低估了预算赤字出现增长的情形。许多观察人士认为在当前的政策下预算赤字将会增长,与当前法律形成对照。
The point is obviously not to understate the relevance of the balance sheets of banks but rather to simplify the analysis and focus on operational cash and debt versus trying to decipher the balance sheets of the major banks and the nature of their cash and debt obligations .
此举显然不是为了 低估金融类公司资产负债表的相关性,而是为了简化分析,把关注的重点放在运营现金和债务上面&而不是尝试着破译各大银行的资产负债表及其现金和债务的性质。
The government chooses deliberately to understate the increase in prices
政府故意对物价上涨 轻描淡写 。
The proposal is one of the most concrete to date aimed at addressing the view that some banks understate risk in order to boost their capital ratios a crucial measure of bank safety .
外界认为,某些银行通过 低估风险来提升自身资本金比率(衡量银行安全性的一项关键指标)。 潘伟迪的建议是迄今旨在打消 外界这一看法的最具体建议之一。
Because so little work is done in each unit of work the graphs below probably understate the scalability benefits of atomic variables compared to ReentrantLock .
因为在每个工作单元中完成的工作很少,所以下图可能无法完全地 说明 与 ReentrantLock相比,原子变量具有哪些可伸缩性优点。
It is impossible to understate how important surging house prices were to consumption .
房价飙升对于消费的重要性,怎么 估计 也 不会 过分。
It used the pension funding ratios calculated by the states themselves which almost certainly understate the size of the hole .
它利用的养老金资金供应比例是由各州自行计算的,这些数据几乎肯定 低估了缺口的规模。
Those numbers substantially understate total remuneration because most top executives also receive a bonus worth on average 157 per cent of their salary last year .
这些数字严重 低估了整体报酬,因为多数高管还有奖金收入平均为上一年工资的157%。
Yet some economists believe the official numbers might actually understate the hot money inflows .
但一些经济学家认为,官方数字实际上可能 低估了热钱流入。
Men have done even better . And that may well understate the leisure gains .
男性的情况更加可观。而且这很可能还 低估 了 实际增加的空闲时间。
Factory managers understate their potential output .
工厂的管理人员 少 报他们的潜在产量。
That understates my commitment to the orchestra .
那 没有 充分 表达我对管弦乐队的热爱。
This is not to understate the latter .
这并非要 低估后者。
To call this a security hole is to understate the point woefully .
不幸的是,将它称之为安全性漏洞 有些 轻描淡写。
Some landlords understate their production figures to avoid tax .
有些地主 少 报产量以逃税。
Furthermore these numbers understate the gap in living conditions between the US and Brics countries .
而且,这些数字 低估了美国和金砖四国(Brics)生活条件之间的差距。
And that may well understate the leisure gains .
而且这很可能还 低估了 实际增加的空闲时间。
If discouraged workers have left the labour force because they could not find a job then the unemployment rate may understate the hardship they face .
如果因为他们不可能找到工作, 丧失信心的劳动者们已经丧失了劳动的能力,这个失业率,不可能让人 真正 估计到他们所面对的困难。
Yet there are some clues that this may understate the build up of foreign assets in turn suggesting hot money flows into China have accelerated and that holding down the exchange rate is getting harder .
然而,一些迹象表明,这可能 还 低估了外汇资产的增长,进而说明“热钱”涌入中国的速度有所加快,而压低汇率的难度正不断加大。
Understate one 's losses eg of money troops I get only meagre pay .
少 报损失(如金钱、兵员的损失).我只得到很少的报酬。
We may be looking at long-term double-digit unemployment with official unemployment figures that understate the extent of the problem .
我们可能会看到失业率长期处于两位数,而官方失业数据 仍 将 低估问题的严重性。
However according to the American scholar David Weinstein the official numbers understate Japanese deflation by several percentage points .
不过,美国学者大卫韦恩斯坦(davidweinstein)表示,官方数据 将日本的通缩率 低估了几个百分点。
However just as we are apt to forget the negatives when equities are rallying hard we are also prone to understate the positives during periods of volatility .
然而,就像我们在股市强劲上扬之时容易忘记负面因素一样,我们往往也会在股市波动期间 低估正面因素。