Those are very nice jeans Miss Joan continued but aren 't they a little shall we say undignified for a professional position ? Before mr.e1 could respond she added not that I mean to suggest that you ever are dignified .
那条牛仔裤不错,琼小姐继续说,不过,我说,穿着它难道就没有一点 有 损专业人士的身份吗?没等埃尔先生回应,她又说:我没有暗示你曾穿着不得体的意思。
A an eccentric or undignified rustic .
一个古怪或 有 损 尊严的乡下 人。
She had to run about after him though it was rather undignified .
温迪只得追着他跑,虽然那 样子 不大 体面。
All this public outpouring is so undignified .
所有这些当众宣泄都是很 失 体面的。
Some of us find this distasteful – an undignified kind of life .
我们中的一些人对此很厌恶& 认为这种生活 方式 很 不 光彩。
Stop all this squabbling which is most undignified .
不要吵来吵去, 有 失 君子 风度。
His skis crossed and he sat down in a most undignified manner .
他的滑雪板交叉在一起坐下时, 姿势 很 不 雅观。
Hatbox of traveling of sheeting of plastics or of textile materials The Rat with a snort of contempt swung round to go tripped over a hat-box and fell with undignified remarks .
旅行用 帽盒,塑料薄膜或纺织材料制河鼠轻蔑地哼了一声,转身要走,不想蹴到一只帽盒,摔倒了, 嘴里不干不净 地 骂了几句。
The undignified outburst came at Naudero in Sindh province the burial site of his wife and her similarly martyred father Zulfikar Ali Bhutto .
这句 有损尊严的话是在信德省的瑙 德罗,他妻子和“殉难”的岳父阿里。布托的墓地上放出来的。
It must have been quite undignified for him to run ahead of the crowd and then climb a convenient tree !
他跑到前面,爬上路 边的一颗树,这对 他来说实在是颇 失 颜面!
The minister made an undignified retreat from his earlier position .
那部长很 不 光彩 地 背离了他原先的立场。
This shilly-shallying is so undignified .
这个优柔寡断的家伙真没 出息。
There followed an undignified slamming of doors
随 后传 来了 很 不 像话的摔门声。
They had a somewhat undignified argument .
他们发生了一次稍有 损 尊严的争论。
As if that weren 't enough Aristotle tells us Megalopsychos because to hurry is undignified is tall and speaks with a deep voice .
犹如这一切还不足够,亚里士多德告诉我们,走路缓慢,that,the,megalopsychos, walks,slowly,因为匆忙是 不 庄重 的 表现, 随时保时高调,讲话总带深 沈嗓音。
You can still remember vividly those painful undignified occasions when you tried to be a hero and drowned instead in a sea of ridicule .
你依然深深地记得这种 痛楚的场合,当你试图 表现的像个英雄却得到了 潮水般的奚落。
I had to worm my way out sideways from the bench in a ridiculous undignified fashion
我侧着身子艰难地从长凳上移开,那个 样子很可笑, 很 不 雅观。
I think it as honorable to the government neither to know nor notice its sycophants or censors as it would be undignified and criminal to pamper the former and persecute the latter .
我认为,得体的政府,不应该把它的赞扬者和审查者放在心上,如果对于前者大加褒扬而对后者横加迫害, 不仅 有 失 尊严,同时也是在犯罪。
I am less sure about dignity . The celebrity chef who yells at his staff and customers makes an undignified sight but who is to say that he is unhappy ?
名厨对手下和顾客大吼大叫,是个 有 损 尊严的场面,但谁能说他不幸福呢?
He regarded the suggestion that he should act such an undignified part as a kind of sacrilege .
他认为要他扮演这个 丢脸的角色 实在是对他莫大的侮辱。
I am not proud of the obviously staged undignified countercharges which have been attempted in retaliation from the other side of the aisle .
对走道的另一边显然是装腔作势、 不 庄重的,旨在报复的反诉,我无法感到自豪。
Sitting down as a level member of the dairyman 's household seemed at the outset an undignified proceeding .
作为奶牛场老板一家人中的一个平等成员坐在一起,他在开头还觉得 有 失身 分。
This seemed a delightfully undignified fate for him and I rather wish I had had this dream myself .
对他而言,这似乎是一件 有 失 尊严 但令人 愉悦 的 事情,我宁愿自己也能做这个梦。
Such conduct is undignified for a person of his position .
对于他这种地位的人来说,这样的行为是 不 庄重的。
It is sad to see a county confine its activities to undignified public bickering
看到整个县都 不顾 颜面地公开争吵,真让人感到难过。
Peters says we must get the market to reward us which can be hard to achieve when you were taught that to ask for more money was greedy and undignified .
彼得斯称,我们必须让市场奖励我们,但当你受到的教育告诉你,要更多的钱意味着贪婪和 有 损 尊严,这就很难做到了。
Now in an undignified way I have given up the spirit journey in my heart for the sake of material gains a journey to explore America and to understand her .
现在,我是 猥琐地为了物质利益而放弃了我心目中的精神之旅,一次探索美国,了解美国的旅行。
As far as I am concerned if you aren 't willing to work for a living you can go to hell ! But she could not get over the idea that to earn her living was somewhat undignified .
依我看,如果你不愿工作自己谋生,那就见鬼去吧!但是 尽管 如此,她却认为自己谋生 糊口 有 失 身份。
As I explained to the French woman who taught us and who each week grew increasingly exasperated with me I wasn 't going to take part in what looked to me like a very undignified activity .
教我们这个课程的是一个法国女人,而她对我的愤怒情绪每周都有所增加。正如我对她解释的一样,我不会参加在我看来非常 有 损 尊严的活动。