yearn for

[jɚn fɔr][jə:n fɔ:]


  • Is it not in the nature of all human beings to yearn for freedom ?


  • We should do is to treat life and yearn for success but not the slightest fear of failure .

    我们所应做的就是善待人生, 向往 追求成功,但丝毫也不惧怕失败。

  • I like lonely lonely hate it I yearn for a lively but most fear lively .

    我喜欢孤独,却又痛恨孤独,我 向往 热闹,却最害怕热闹。

  • I am reading an article about Nuremberg in Germany which makes me yearn for it .

    这些天我读了一篇关于德国纽伦堡市的文章,对纽伦堡市 充满向往

  • Can let what eulogize and yearn for one party common people is permanent !

    能让一方百姓永久传颂和 怀念的!

  • For Chinese people the influence of our families is quite big . So we yearn for that lifestyle .

    对于中国年轻人来说,家庭因素的影响非常大,我们 渴望那样的生活方式。

  • I pretty yearn for a place is blue sky where I am able to take much more joys and smiles to people .

    蓝天,我所衷情与 向往的地方,我希望能在那给人们带去更多的快乐和笑容。

  • I am an injured angel of a heart yearn for the paradise .

    我是心受了伤的天使, 向往天堂。

  • You yearn for freedom and self-employment attracts you powerfully .


  • I yearn for the soaring but I do not have the wing .


  • If there is one thing one can always yearn for and sometimes attain it is human love .

    如果有一件东西可以永远 渴望,而且有时能够得到的东西,那就是人类的爱。

  • Those that yearn for change feel that things are out of their hands .

    而那些 渴望变革的人则觉得事情已经脱离了他们的掌控。

  • We yearn for beauty truth and meaning in our lives .

    我们 渴求生活中的美、真和意义。

  • We yearn for a happy life happiness is our aim .

    我们 向往幸福的生活,幸福才是我们的目的。

  • How much I yearn for .

    我是多么的 向往

  • I yearn for the soaring even if the sunlight is as before dazzling .


  • Do you yearn for intimate relationships yet feel that you are too socially inept to obtain them ?

    你会 渴望亲密的关系只因为你觉得自己在社交上太笨拙而无法获得吗?

  • Do not you yearn for the good life abroad ?

    难道你不 向往国外优越的生活?

  • How can you treat me like a child Yet like a child I yearn for you ?

    你怎么能像对待一个小孩那样 我, 然后 事实上我也是像个小孩 一样 想念你。

  • When you see the cloud in the sky it means I yearn for you .

    当你看到天空的云时,那就表示我 渴望 见到你。

  • Yearn for the happy life of freedom will not give up to the pursuit in the beautiful future !


  • After experiencing extremely scare and panic people no longer live and yearn for the fantasy to the future .

    经历了极度的 惊惧与恐慌,不再驻足对未来的 虚无幻想。

  • If you do yearn for chocolate try a carob bar instead .

    你要是非常想吃巧克力,那就嚼根角豆条 解馋吧。

  • We yearn for the Rule of Law for its regulation and value .

    法治以其合法规律性、价值性而 我们 向往

  • You may want fame but yearn to feel valued you may want revenge but yearn for peace .

    你也许想要名望,但是,你的渴求是感到被尊重;你也许想要报仇,但是,你的 渴求 和平。

  • It is all I know all I yearn for and all that I live for .

    是我所知道的全部,所 渴望的全部以及为之生活的全部。

  • I yearn for things that expand the soul and not the pocket .

    渴望的是充实心灵而不是 口袋。

  • People all over the world yearn for social environment characterized by stability progrss and peaceful development .

    全世界人民都 渴望有一个稳定的、进步与和平发展的社会环境。

  • I yearn for the soaring because the sky is very sunny .


  • It made me yearn for South Korea dreaming of meeting such a man .

    这让我 韩国 渴望,梦想着遇见这样的一个男人。