The function of yam product line is processing yam into powder for imitated food drink and can .
山药 加工生产线就是将山药原材料加工成仿生食品、饮料、罐头用的山药粉。
The process of Elephant-Foot Yam and its application in food medicine and fine chemical industry was introduced .
介绍了 魔芋的粗加工和精加工工艺,并简述了魔芋制品在食品、药和日用化学工业中的应用。
Common yam rhizome porridge treats short breath and weak physique .
气短体虚弱,煮粥加 山药。
Using yam and tofu I simply stacked these delicately cooked vegetables with chinese wine and oyster sauce to look pretty for my photographer to take and taste .
我只是简单地将精心烹制好的 芋头和豆腐堆放在一起。加上料酒和耗油后看起来很美味。我的摄影师照了照片并品尝了这道美味。
This would allow the development of trade finance in Renminbi and an interbank market Mr Yam said .
Effect of Ultra-Low Moisture Content on Seed Viability of Yam Bean
超低含水量对 豆薯种子生活力的影响
Edible tuberous root of various yam plants of the genus Dioscorea grown in the tropics world-wide for food .
Yam of tropical Africa and Asia cultivated for it large tubers .
热带非洲和亚洲的 薯蓣科植物,由于其大的块茎而被种植。
Plants used as food-Arrow Root Cassava Yam Sweet Potato .
植物用于食品。箭根,木薯, 芋头,甘薯。
This thesis introduced diabetes supplementary food based on baking technology with compound assistant foods such as yam Tuckahoe white haricot bean lotus seed and jujube .
在复方糖尿病辅助食品( 山药、茯苓、白扁豆、莲子及大枣)基础上,以焙烤食品为模式,研究糖尿病辅助食品制作工艺。
The nutrient content was analysed in Jipi Chinese Yam .
对菏泽鸡皮 山药营养成分进行了系统分析。
Some retailers are saying it 's about yam time someone stood up for Thanksgiving .
现在一些零售商称,是时候有人为感恩节( Thanksgiving)挺身而出了。
Study on the extraction of the caramel pigment from the yam diosgenin processing waste water
从 黄 姜生产皂素废水中提取焦糖色素的工艺研究
The outline and process of the standard cultivation technique of non-polluted yam were briefly introduced in this paper .
从整地施肥、选种播种、田间管理、浇水、追肥、病虫 害防治等方面介绍了 出口 山药的无公害标准化栽培技术。
It 's easily reached from Kwun Yam Wan to the south of the main beach at Tung Wan .
从 观音湾到小长城 比较容易,它一直向东湾的南面延伸。
Effects of Mildewproof and Freshness Film on Preservation of Rice Browning prevention in the production of functional yam wine
防霉保鲜膜对大米贮藏保鲜效果的影响 麻 山药保健酒酿造过程中防褐变的研究
High ridge planting is a more proper way to plant Baodi Yam .
高畦种植是比较适宜的宝坻 山药种植方式。
Chinese yam and corn Chen told the Beijing Times .
“ 山药和玉米。”陈女士在接受《京华时报》采访时表示。
Caption : yam bean grower with an'ahipa'plant in the andes .
文字说明:与安第斯山脉‘玛咖’植物合影的 豆薯种植者。
Tropical American yam with small yellow-skinned edible tubers .
热带美洲 薯蓣科植物,有黄皮的可食块茎。
Yam water extraction fluid still can eliminate urinary protein to mutant cell can inhibit of effects .
山 药水提液还可消除尿蛋白,对突变细胞具有抑制产生的作用。
Yam Cake ( RM2.50 )– Ingredients : Small Shrimp Fried Union and delicious sauce .
In2010 Lichuan yam was selected as the special product for the Shanghai World Expo .
2010年利川 山药被选定为上海世博会专供产品。
Two important aboriginal foods are the fruit of the cycad palm and a large nutritious yam .
澳洲土著人有两种重要的食物:一种是铁树目裸子类棕桐树的果子,另一种是又大又有营养的 山药。
With the development of modern scientific research the therapeutic role of yam and medicinal value has been very clear .
随着现代科学研究的发展, 山药的食疗作用和药用价值已十分清楚。
Brewing Technological Study on Pumpkin Healthy Wine Browning prevention in the production of functional yam wine
液态发酵法生产南瓜保健果酒的工艺研究 麻 山药保健酒酿造过程中防褐变的研究
Professor Chang said that in our daily diet almonds yam white radish Lily mung beans are good Runfei food .
常教授说,在我们的日常饮食中,杏仁、 山药、白萝卜、百合、绿豆等都是不错的润肺食物。
Objective To study the optimal condition of color protection in the processing of canned Chinese yam .
目的研究 山药罐头加工中最佳的护色条件。
She smiled and replied It 's yam porridge our New Year 's Eve dinner .
她笑说: 红薯稀饭我们的年夜饭。