

vi.<贬> (尤指小狗)尖叫,狂吠<非正>(对一些无关紧要的事)哇啦哇啦地说个不停


  • In a culture of just a few thousand people without a written language the stories behind the stone money are part of Yap 's living history .

    只有几千居民, 的文化没有书面文字,石头货币背后的故事正是它鲜活历史的一部分。

  • She keeps yapping at me about Joe .

    她没完没了 唠叨 乔的事。

  • Larynx and Laryngopharynx Hemangioma by Nd : YAP Laser Combined with Bleomycin : a Clinical Analysis


  • The guy just loves to yap and will do so at length

    那家伙就爱 胡扯,而且 一说 起来就没完没了。

  • Yap I knew from the first beginning that you two wouldn 't be together for a long time .

    怎么可以只 留下 不告而别呢。 B,从一开始我就知道你们俩不会在一起很久。

  • That woman will Yap away for hours about nothing .

    那个女人将会 哇啦 哇啦 一连 胡说上几个小时。

  • Room Temperature Efficient Continuous Wave Laser Diode-End-Pumped Tm : YAP Laser

    室温下高效率连续波激光二极管端面抽运 Tm:YAP激光器

  • Don 't Yap around all day said the mother .

    不要 成天 ,母亲说道。

  • It is so big and heavy that people in Yap keep it in front of their houses .

    它又大又重, Yap人把它放在自家房屋前面保存。

  • In order to accommodate the Twin Churches into the photo Mr Yap had to squat while I had to really stand right in front of the lens .

    为了要把这双子教堂纳入镜头内, 先生得蹲着,然后我正个人就在镜头的前面,才能拍到这张照片。

  • Yap . Is this clock the Mountain Time or Central Time ?


  • The puppy gave a yap .


  • Methods YAP element was detected by PCR amplification and agarose gel electrophoresis .

    方法利用PCR法 对此 位点进行扩增,经过 琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测结果。

  • Experimental Study on Resonantly Pumped Ho : YAP Laser at Room Temperature

    常温谐振泵浦 Ho:YAP激光的实验研究

  • The convex lens and planoconcave mirror thermal lens compensation methods are proposed and applied to a high power pumped Tm : YAP laser .

    最后提出了凸透镜和平 凹镜两种热透镜补偿方案,在实验中对这两种方案进行了验证。

  • Biological Effects of Nd ∶ YAP Laser Irradiation on Liver in vivo Rats : an Experimental Study

    Nd∶ YAP激光照射活体大鼠肝脏生物效应的实验研究

  • Me and my big yap .

    我这张大 嘴巴

  • Ben : Yap ~ You 'd better wear a hat going out or might become a bald .


  • Delicate as a flower petal a marine flatworm glides along in the Pacific Ocean near Micronesia 's Yap Islands .

    精巧的像一朵花瓣,一条海中扁形虫悄悄地沿着太平洋的 密克罗尼西亚群岛的 岛。

  • Study and application of absorbing alundum inclusion meter Investigation on the Self-Absorption of Ce : YAP Crystals

    吸收三氧化二铝夹杂仪的研制及应用掺铈 闪烁晶体自吸收问题研究

  • What a yap he is he does not know how to whisper

    他真是个 ,他不会小声地说话

  • The little dog yapped frantically .

    那只小狗 狂吠着。

  • Put the pie in the microwave for two minutes to heat it yap .


  • John Runman ( Yap 's Historical Society ): Stone money is not used to ask for a wife for instance .

    约翰·罗夫曼 历史协会):比如说,石头货币不用来作聘礼。

  • So the value of the Yap stone money is subjective and bigger isn 't necessarily better .

    所以, 上的石头货币的价值 依赖于人的主观判断,并不是越大价值就越高。

  • A decentralized chieftain-based system evolved into a more centralized economic and religious empire centered on Yap .

    分散的首领管理系统进化成一个更集中的以 Yap为中心的经济和宗教帝国。

  • Then it is the same as Yap Yap said the ruler .

    “哦”国王不屑一顾地说道,“那还不是与汪汪国 如出一辙”。