


  • The French Lieutenant 's Woman foregrounds the indeterminate the polyphonic and undecidable functions of the author .

    《法国中尉的女人》突现了作者的模糊性、 复调性和不确定。

  • To him a literary text can not be read in two incompatible ways so it is undecidable .

    在米勒看来,文本不可能同时被两种不能调和的方式 阐释,因而是 可读的。

  • This theorem reveals that there exist undecidable propositions in a consistent formal system .

    该定理揭示了在一个相容形式系统中存在着 判定的命题。

  • Finally we found that the membership problem of the largest consistent set may be undecidable .

    本文证明最大协调集的成员问题是 判定的。

  • On the undecidable propositions in mathematics

    关于数学中的 判定命题

  • As a consequence type checking becomes undecidable .

    作为结论类型检查成为 判定 的。

  • From the perspective of computability theory static analysis is a computationally undecidable problem .

    从可计算性理论的角度来看,静态 缺陷检测是一个不 判定问题。

  • Detecting termination of rules is in general undecidable .

    终止性是 主动规则所 重要的一个 性质规则的终止性检查通常是 判定的。

  • 1 w_204 proofs the undecidable problem via constructing a instance of PCP problem with three concurrent tasks .

    现有的证明通过构造三个并发任务的 PCP问题实例,证明了过程 并发 程序分析过程 并发 程序 分析是一个 判定问题。

  • First the safety problem in general UCONA models undecidable then showed the UCONA model with finite attribute domains and without creating policies to be decidable .

    然后在 限定属性值范围和无生成策略的条件下,说明了安全问题的确定

  • Linear hybrid automata are undecidable in general but for a subclass of linear hybrid automata called positive loop-closed automata the satisfaction problem for linear duration properties can be solved by linear programming .

    虽然线性 混成自动机的模型检验问题总的来说还是 判定的,但对于其中的正环闭合自动机,其对于线性时段性质的满足性能够通过线性规划方法加以检验。

  • However the possibility of infinite looping by active rules makes the termination decision of rules known as an undecidable problem .

    主动规则可以 相互触发,使得主动规则 终止 问题成为了 数据库 的一个著名的难题。

  • Furthermore it also involves other philosophers ' views on absolutely undecidable questions and mathematics realism which differ from Godel ' s.

    此外还会涉及到其他哲学家对绝对 判定命题以及数学实在论与哥德尔不同的看法。

  • The reached conclusion shows that no matter how advanced the programming language is if the real computer is based on the model of Turing machine the ability of the program will always be limited i.e. there are many undecidable programs .

    由得出的结论可知:无论程序设计语言如何进步,只要最终的实际计算机是基于图灵机模型,则程序的功能总具有局限性,即存在大量 判定的程序。

  • Because precise determination of a virus by its appearance is undecidable a K-nearest neighbor Algorithm based on sample learning to detect computer virus approximately is presented in this paper .

    因为准确检测计算机病毒是 判定的, 该文提出了一种基于实例学习的k-最近邻算法来实现对计算机病毒的近似检测。