Under this condition a teacher in charge of a class can communicate with students effectively and be in excellent charge of a class .
只有这样,才能深入学生群体,与学生进行坦诚的交流,做好 班主任工作。
In order to investigate into the effect of change in explosive detonation on rock fragmentation under the explosion of a coupling charge within borehole two groups of contrast fragmentation experiments were conducted in cylindrical concrete models .
在耦合 装 药 条件 下,通过两组对比爆破破碎实验,研究了炸药爆轰性能变化对破岩效果的影响。
The cost of an inquiry conducted under this part shall be a charge on the general revenue of Hong kong .
根本部行查的 用,由香港政府一般收入 支付。
Headed by Beijing Municipal Office of national information infrastructure under the leadership of a mayor in charge of this sector from the municipal government together with other municipal departments concerned coordinating and specialist committees will be formed .
由市政府 主管市长 挂帅,以市信息化工作办公室牵头,会同市相关部门成立数字奥运协调委员会和专家委员会;
The financial committee under the central party department is a specific organ in charge of the party outlay .
中央党部 之下的财务委员会是 负责党务经费的 专责机关。
Under a restructuring plan announced last month Lenovo combined its Asia-Pacific and greater China regional businesses and put the head of Greater China in charge of the unit .
根据上月公布的 一 项重组计划,联想合并了亚太区与大中华区的业务,并任命大中华区 主管 负责该部门。
In the event that the joint venture involves two or more Chinese venture 's under the jurisdiction of different departments or different areas the relevant departments and areas shall through consultation designate a single department to be the Department in charge of the venture .
如合营企业有两个或两个以上的中国合营者并 隶属于不同的部门或地区时,应由有关部门和地区协商确定 一 个企业 主管部门。
Contract Currency means the currency in which the payment is made under the Contract namely ____________________ . a charge in favor of the Contractor 's bankers of any money due or to become due under the Contract
合同币种:用以支付本合同 价款的货币,即。按合同规定应支付或将支付的以承包商的银行为 受款人 的 费用
美[ˈʌndɚ e tʃɑrdʒ ʌv]英[ˈʌndə ə tʃɑ:dʒ ɔv]
[法] 根据。。。控告