High ? water rapid ? hardening backfilling with unclassified tailings is a new backfilling technology which has the properties of non ? dewatering rapid ? hardening high early ? stage strength and use of unclassified tailings etc.
全 尾砂高水固化充填是一种具有不脱水、凝、期强度高等特点的新型充填技术。
Unclassified records library to store records submitted to the records center that do not match any other record routing entry .
未 分类记录库,用于存储提交到记录中心但与任何其他记录传送条目均不匹配的记录。
The Chinese military sent a shiver down the Pentagon 's spine in June by hacking into an unclassified network used by policy advisers to Robert Gates defence secretary .
今年6月,中国军方侵入了美国国防部长罗伯特•盖茨(RobertGates)政策顾问使用的一个 非 保密网络,这使五角大楼不寒而栗。
Follow these steps to create a decision plan that copies the unclassified data into its corresponding folder and copies the content items with a low confidence score to a separate folder
根据以下步骤创建决策计划,该计划将 未 分类的数据复制到相应文件夹中,并将具有低信赖分数的内容项复制到单独的文件夹中
Unclassified gonadal stromal tumor of ovary
卵巢 未 分类性腺间质肿瘤
The Pentagon has become especially sensitive to the growing threat from cyberspace since last June when hackers successfully penetrated and stole data from the unclassified network serving Robert Gates the US defence secretary .
自去年6月黑客成功侵入美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)使用的 非 保密网络并窃取数据以来,五角大楼对网络领域与日俱增的威胁变得尤其敏感。
Is the major code for an unclassified error .
是 未 分类错误的主要代码。
Operational management of unclassified waste collection pools for waste incineration power plants
垃圾电厂 不 分 检垃圾收集池的运营管理
Pertaining to a signal or area which contains either encrypted classified or unclassified information .
用于修饰或说明包含加密的保密或 不 保密信息的信号或区域。
Based on reports that the compromised Pentagon data were unclassified the Chinese have not demonstrated the capacity to disrupt critical military computer systems by hacking .
根据报道,暴露的五角大楼数据是 非 保密的,说明中国人还没有显示出通过黑客攻击来扰乱关键军事电脑系统的能力。
The Edge can also switch to an unclassified mode .
这款 手机还可以切换成非 机密模式。
In communications security unclassified information or equipment and wire lines that handle encrypted classified information .
通信安全学中 指 不 保密的信息或处理已加密的保密信息的设备和线路。
The Institute has collected many samples that are as yet unclassified and DNA barcoding lets non-experts help classify these cheaply .
该研究所已经收集了许多尚未 归类的样本,而DNA条码技术使得非专家也可以帮忙廉价地把这些物种分类。
Represents the event code indicating that an unclassified error occurred .
表示的是指示发生了 未 分类错误的事件代码。
US officials said they were less concerned about the leakage of unclassified information although they concede that classified information is sometimes sent on secret networks and more worried about the growing ability of China to disrupt key Pentagon computer systems at a time of conflict .
美国官员表示,他们不太担心泄露 非 保密信息(尽管他们承认,保密信息有时通过秘密网络传送),更担心的是中国的能力不断增强,可以在发生冲突时破坏五角大楼关键的计算机系统。
Create a rule in the decision plan that defines the action to copy your unclassified content into its corresponding category folder
在决策计划中创建一个规则,定义将 未 分类的内容复制到相应类别文件夹中的操作
According to the physicochemical properties of unclassified tailings in Wudaoling molybdenum mine the anionic polyacrylamide is used as a flocculant for precipitation .
根据五道岭钼矿全尾砂浆体物理化学性质,选择了阴离子聚丙烯酰胺作全 尾砂沉淀的絮凝剂。
Otherwise just treat as an unclassified extension element and use a DOM representation .
否则,将它作为一个 未 分类扩展元素,并使用一个DOM表示。
A trivial example is that with MAC users can 't easily turn Secret into Unclassified data .
一个小例子,有了MAC后用户不能轻易地将“保密的(Secret)”数据转化为“ 不 保密 的 ( Unclassified)”的数据。
The security breach was of unclassified systems not the more secure classified systems .
安全缺口出现在 非 保密、而非安全级别更高的保密系统上。
A large volume of unclassified sample data content ( specifically for this scenario short messages from phones )
大量 未 分类的示例数据内容(对此场景来说,就是手机短信)
Also that file 's security context must be privileged to be associated with that filesystem ( so for example a Top secret file can 't be written to an Unclassified disk ) .
同样,那个文件的安全上下文必须有特权与文件系统“关联(associated)”(所以,举例来说,“高度保密”的文件不能写到一个“ 不 保密”的磁盘)。
These are some unclassified designs for various weapons .
有些武器是 没有 分类的。
The material consisted only of already published unclassified information .
这份材料里只有一些已公开的、 非 保密 性质的信息。
As a schoolgirl not only did I fail to get straight As I didn 't get any As at all – though I did get an F and even a U ( for unclassified ) .
上学期间,我不仅没有连续获得A等成绩,甚至连一个A都没拿到过&我还拿过一个F,甚至一个U( 代表 不予 评级,比F还 差)。
Thats why this mornings release of our governments unclassified estimate of what took place in Syria is so important .
正因为如此,我们今天早上必须将政府对叙利亚所发生的 情况 的 非 机密评估公布于 众。
It is understood that the mobile number given out for Mr Hannigan was for an unclassified phone rather than one of the secure lines used for sensitive communications .
据悉,被曝光的汉尼根的手机号码属于一部 非 机密手机,不属于用来传递敏感信息的安全线路。
But by pressing a button you can instantly call up entirely separate classified and unclassified systems .
但是只要在手机上按下一个按钮,就可以在机密和 非 机密系统 之间 切换。
In addition the performance of a range of Chinese developed radar absorbers was modelled based on a reasonable survey of unclassified Chinese research publications in the area .
此外,中国研发的一系列雷达吸波材料的性能已经建模,基于一份 非 机密的中国该领域研究发行的调查报告。
Additionally the objective of this research is to gather all information and data for consideration from unclassified sources .
另外,基于 未 分类资源的考虑,本研究的目的在于收集所有信息和数据。