Managerial errors caused by unforeseeable events cannot be avoided .
不 可 预见 事项所造成的管理上的差错,是无法避免的。
If these people had been right then others had been blind or negligent and the latter preferred to represent themselves as victims of unforeseeable events .
如果这些人是正确的,那么其他人就是盲目或无知的,而后者更喜欢将自己描绘 成 不 可 预料 事件的受害者。
The experiments reveal that reinforcement learning can not only find the best strategy but also make the person be able to react wisely when he is thrown off his optimal arrangement because of unforeseeable events .
实验结果表明,增强学习不仅可以获得最佳的策略,而且在个人由于一些 不 可 预测 的 事件而被迫偏离原来的最优安排时, 仍可以依据学习过程中 积累的信息明智地 逐步 调整过来。
[法] 不能预料的事件