Design of fixed base of uncompensated heating supply pipe
无 补偿 直埋供热管道 支架式固定支座的设计
This paper demonstrates on basis of Boltzmann relation on definite circumscriptions and on certain conditions the new proposition that the uncompensated spontaneous contraction of the volume of a uniform system in equilibrium is impossible and the principle of entropy increase are equivalent .
本文根据玻耳兹曼关系论证了平衡态均匀系的体积 无偿自发收缩不可能的新命题,在一定范围内、一定条件下,和熵增加原理等价。
The Boltzmann relation and the impossibility of the volume uncompensated spontaneous contraction of a uniform system in equilibrium
玻耳兹曼关系和平衡态均匀系的体积 无偿自发收缩不可能
It is vital for the safety of tilting train to tilt correctly and one precondition is to detect the uncompensated acceleration accurately and reliably .
准确可靠地 获得 剩余 离心加速度对于摆式列车正确倾摆和安全运行至关重要。
We propose that the origin of the weak ferromagnetism is due to the enhancement of Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida ( RKKY ) ferromagnetic coupling between uncompensated surface Cu2 + spins when the antiferromagnetic correlation is reduced by the finite size effect .
理论分析表明铁磁性正是起源于这些表面未 补偿自旋间的Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida(RKKY)耦合作用。
Closed loop wavefront residual error of adaptive optical system consists of the uncompensated turbulence error and closed loop noise .
采用比较自适应光学系统闭环校正 前后 时间 功率 谱的方法,对自适应光学系统的 波前校正残余误差进行了分析。
13C-methacetin breath test can be used to measure immediate hepatocyte injure and liver functional reserve . It is more sensitive than ICG test in the evaluation of liver function in cirrhosis especially in uncompensated patients .
13C-美沙西汀呼气试验是反映肝细胞损害情况和储备功能的良好肝功能试验,对肝硬化尤其 失 代偿患者较之ICG试验更为灵敏。
As the original Real estate tax system is set based on uncompensated use of land the real estate industry reform becomes the basic agent of Real estate tax system reform .
由于原房地产税收制度是基于土地 无偿使用而设置的,因此,房地产业的改革成为房地产税收制度改革的基础性动因。
Uncompensated strenuous exercise malnourished or caloric deficiency adrenal or pituitary insufficiency or acute alcohol intoxication : increased risk of hypoglycemia .
Analysis on the Clinical Correlation in Uncompensated Liver Cirrhosis with Esophageal Varices Evaluation of non-invasive diagnostic markers on the presence of esophageal varices in cirrhotic patients
失 代偿 期肝硬化患者食管静脉曲张程度的分析无创检测指标评估肝硬化食道静脉曲张的研究
Define the difference between the output of the force sensor and the gravity of the object as the uncompensated friction at the vertical direction which value must be lower than one newton .
定义压力传感器最终的输出值与 模拟目标的重力,两者的差值为z向上 未 补偿的摩擦力, 根据 设计 要求需 保证其值小于1牛顿。
And based on paving principle preheat uncompensated pattern of direct burying is selected .
并根据热网敷设原则,选择采用了预热 无 补偿 的 直埋 敷设方式。
When the process parameters temperature and supply voltage are changed according to the simulation results this method yields a standard deviation of the transconductance of MOSFETs that is 41.4 % less than in the uncompensated case .
当电路制造过程中的工艺参数、工作电压或工作温度发生变化时,根据仿真结果,该方法可以使MOS晶体管跨导的标准差比 未 经 补偿的电路降低41· 4%。
The effects of uncompensated tooth loss on oral functions
无 代偿 性 缺牙对口腔功能的影响
A uncompensated oil generation sag formed when foredeep basin rapidly subsided and back bulge basin developed into a semi restricted oil generation sag under the blockage of foreland uplift .
前渊盆地快速沉降过程中发育欠 补偿生油凹陷,在前陆隆起阻挡作用下隆后盆地形成半局限环境生油凹陷。
Effects of stator resistance variation on flux and torque in DTC have been analyzed in detail and uncompensated stator resistance deteriorates system performance .
详细研究了定子电阻变化对磁链和转矩计算的影响,指出了 若 不对定子电阻变化进行 补偿会导致系统性能变差。
A porous metal electrode model & single hole model which takes into account both the ionic resistance of the film and the uncompensated solution resistance was found suitable to describe the potential step experiments .
适用于该电位跃过程的模型是考虑膜离子阻抗及 未 补偿溶液电阻的多孔金属电极模型&单孔模型。
Thus the quadratic indirect utility function is less attractive because the uncompensated demand functions are non-linear in the parameters .
因此,二次间接效用函数是那么有吸引力,因为 无偿需求函数非直线在参数。
Except for the phase error caused by uncompensated motion errors the phase errors that affect the image quality can be caused by the propagation effects and system instability .
除由 未 补偿的运动误差引起的 初相误差外,影响 雷达图像 聚焦性能的 初相误差还 包括由 信号传播及系统的不稳定性等引起的 初相误差。
This paper derives the volume criterion of equilibrium and discusses the Multiphase equilibrium Conditions and stable equilibrium Conditions on the basis of the new proposition that the uncompensated spontaneous contraction of the volume of a uniform system in equilibrium is impossible .
本文根据平衡态均匀物质系统的体积 无偿自发收缩不可能的新命题,导出平衡的体积判据,并讨论了复相平衡系的平衡条件和稳定条件。
Some uncompensated resistance usually remains .
一般仍残留 着某些 未 被 补偿的电阻。
The results show : uncompensated wage elasticity of married women and income elasticity are0.4380 and-0.1845 while labor supply of married men is inelastic .
研究结果表明,已婚女性劳动供给的非 补偿性工资弹性和收入弹性分别约为0.4380和-0.1845,而已婚男性劳动供给缺乏弹性。
The main content of this paper is about sensors ' type-selection in testing system the sensors ' fault-detection and fault-tolerance and the correlative signal processing algorithms providing the control system with accurate and reliable uncompensated signal and filtering-delay-compensation signal .
本文的主要内容是研究检测系统中传感器的选型、故障检测与容错及相关的信号处理算法,为控制系统提供准确可靠的 未平衡离心 加速度信号和滤波延时补偿信号。
Blood Gas Analysis on 300 Cases of Uncompensated Hepatic Cirrhosis
肝硬化 失 代偿患者300例血气分析
The Electron Spin Resonance spectra indicate that there are lots of uncompensated spins at the surface of nanoparticles .
电子顺磁共振谱分析表明 小颗粒中存在大量的表面 未 补偿自旋,并 主导 体系的磁性质。
Almost every mass coverage of incidents in China reflects his uncompensated contribution somewhere in the background .
几乎每 波 外 电集中对中国事件的报道,背后都有他的 无偿贡献。
For a long last period the sport undertaking in China has applied a pattern of planned economy all the investment coming from the government uncompensated without considering the relation between input and output .
长期以来,中国的体育事业一直采用计划经济的模式,所有的资金由国家 无偿地投入,并不考虑体育的投入与产出关系。