


  • Used of persons and their behavior ; not refined ; uncouth . Although it is often vulgar and unrefined its implied meaning can be both deep and eloquent .

    用来指人和他们的行为;不文雅的; 粗俗的;。它虽然不 ,甚至粗俗,但却具有极 的表意功能。

  • An uncouth soldier a real tough guy .

    一个 粗鲁的士兵,一个真正的硬汉。

  • ( of behavior ) rustic and uncouth .

    (指举止)粗俗 笨拙

  • His nephew is an uncouth young man .

    他的侄子是一个 粗野的年轻人。

  • A crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement .

    粗鲁 粗俗 教养 好缺乏文明和文雅的人。

  • The curiosity-dealer who plainly had not expected his uncouth visitor seemed disconcerted and embarrassed .

    古玩商人没有料到这位 丑陋客人的来访,因此他显得很慌张很不自然。

  • To a Japanese spilling anything is uncouth .

    对日本人来说,泼溅任何东西都是 文明的。

  • His gait his attitudes his gestures his bearing his laugh-all were vulgar and uncouth ; his manners were the manners of a slave .

    他的步法,他的态度,他的姿势,他的举止,他的笑声一切都是鄙俗而 粗野的;他的习气是种奴隶的习气。

  • ( informal ) rural and uncouth .

    (非正式用法)乡下的、 笨拙的。

  • The pathway among the woods seemed wilder more uncouth with its rude natural obstacles and less trodden by the foot of man than he remembered it on his outward journey .

    那林间小路在他看来,比他记忆中来时的途径,似是更加 蛮荒,由于天然的 高低 平面更加坎坷,而且更少有人迹了。

  • We can no more tolerate her uncouth behaviour !

    我们不能再忍耐她 粗俗的行为!

  • The sibyl ( witch is such an uncouth label ) responded with a supply constriction designed to drive up the price .

    女预言家( 女巫听上去让人 太舒服)用限制供应的方法来应对,意在推升价格。

  • It 's dirty and has an uncouth culture .

    那里脏兮兮的,文化又 粗俗

  • Lacking the graces and refinement of civilized life ; uncouth .

    粗暴的, 粗野 缺少文明生活的文雅和教养的; 的。

  • ( of behavior ) rustic and uncouth . was boorish and insensitive ; the loutish manners of a bully ; her stupid oafish husband ; aristocratic contempt for the swinish multitude .

    (指举止)粗俗 笨拙。是粗野愚钝的;欺凌弱小者的粗鄙的举止;她愚钝的丈夫。

  • Many Hong Kong residents view the crowds of shopping mainlanders as uncouth and resent their presence as a sign of Beijing 's growing influence on the self-governing city 's affairs .

    许多香港市民认为赴港购物的大陆游客 素质 ,而且认为他们的到来是北京对香港事务影响力越来越大的一种迹象,并因此而感到厌恶。

  • He behaves in a most uncouth way .

    他的举止真是 笨拙

  • The durable denim pants were brought to market by Levi Strauss a Jewish merchant living in San Francisco to meet the needs of uncouth miners in California 's gold fields .

    为了满足加利福尼亚的 那些 大老粗金矿工人的需要,住在旧金山的犹太商人李维•施特劳斯将这种结实耐磨的牛仔裤引进了市场。

  • Others see us as overly materialistic somewhat uncouth and lacking in social graces .

    也有一些人觉得我们太过注重物质生活, 粗鲁和缺乏社交礼仪。

  • From a distance he looks uncouth .

    远看 其貌不扬

  • The Chinese disciples of Pareto might have thought him uncouth .

    巴莱托的中国门徒们也许要嫌他 粗鲁

  • He is a selfish uncouth fellow who has no respect for anyone .

    他是个自私、 教养的家伙,对人一点也不尊重。

  • We found your Cotter Pyke to be an uncouth and unpleasant man quarrelsome and niggardly .

    我们发现你的部下卡特·派克不仅 粗鲁讨厌,动不动就吵架,而且还是个吝啬鬼。

  • He made the most uncouth and clumsy gestures of delight .

    他做出的表示快乐的动作也是 笨拙、极难看的。