


  • In 128 uncolored patients only two cases of superficial gastritis proved to be infected with Hp which were also confirmed by biopsy . The false negative rate was 1.56 % .

    着色128例,也作粘膜活检,检查有无Hp,结果仅有2例浅表性胃炎有Hp感染,染色 的假阴性率1.56%。

  • It is found in the very heights of the supramental consciousness in a diamond light an uncolored sparkling light containing all the colors .

    它只能在很高的超心思知觉性中被发现,它发出一种钻石的光芒, 无色,闪烁的光芒中包含了所有的颜色。

  • Unbleached blonde hair ; her hair is uncolored ; undyed cotton .

    天生的金发;她的头发 染色;天然色的棉线。

  • I kept the other random people uncolored to show that they 're just npcs .

    我没有把其他的人 上色因为他们只是配角。

  • Study on the Technology of Uncolored Chemical Conversion Coating of Aluminium and Its Alloys

    铝及铝合金 无色化学氧化工艺研究

  • I did n 't know I 'd been all that tactful he said in an uncolored tone .

    我倒没想到我那样的有策略,他 平淡 说了一声。

  • In the tension system of relation between words and meaning the classical poetry abstractly shows four taste layers : the uncolored taste metaphor and symbolize taste implicit taste and unmixed taste .

    古典诗词在言意关系的张力系统中, 具体呈现出 、比喻象征 味、含蓄之味和 味四个层面。

  • T-501 is one of the uncolored antioxidants which is widely used in petrochemical and foodstuff industries .

    T-501是一种用量较大的不 着色抗氧剂,广泛用于石油化工及食品工业中。

  • Our filter production includes color and uncolored optical glass with the transmission wavelengths ranging from180nm to2500nm .

    亚光生产的滤光片有 无色光学玻璃,有色光学玻璃,透过波长从180纳米到2500纳米之间。