united equipment

[juˈnaɪtɪd ɪˈkwɪpmənt][ju:ˈnaɪtɪd iˈkwipmənt]


  • Those flights had been diverted so that the United States could land troops and equipment and lift Americans and other foreigners to safety .

    星期四和星期五的航班被迫改变航线以便于 美国运送士兵和 设备及将美国人和其它外国人转移至安全地带。

  • But Frances Gotch a professor of immunology from the United Kingdom 's Imperial College in London says developing countries deserve the same equipment as the developed world .

    但是英国帝国理工学院的免疫学教授Frances Gotch说,发展中国家与发达国家需要同样的 设备

  • The Germany and the United States enterprises have been dominated the market of beer volume on line detection equipment in china so the detection equipment is very expensive .

    啤酒灌装量在线检测 设备市场基本上被德国和 美国企业所垄断,设备价格昂贵。

  • The United States gives Ethiopia millions of dollars of foreign aid and some nonlethal military equipment .

    美国政府给了埃塞俄比亚几百万美元的外国援助和一些不合法的武器 装备

  • This paper researched the market background and united the requirement of an important big project of Shanghai agriculture government which is the research of X-ray food impurity detective equipment .

    本文主要针对上述市场背景,结合上海市 农委重大攻关项目X-RAY食品异物检测 设备的研制的要求,对相应的关键技术进行了研究,并研发出了具有我国自主知识产权的X-ray无损检测 设备

  • The United States commits to actively encourage the export of technologies and equipment related to oil and gas exploration and development to China .

    美方承诺积极鼓励对华出口与油气勘探开发相关的技术和 设备

  • According to the general idea of reform in the company the purchase and administration function shall be combined to the purchase center and the other parts would be united as an equipment & engineering company providing technical service of equipment maintenance for the society .

    按照东电公司的总体改革思路,设备部门的设备采购和管理职能将 合并进入公司采购中心,其余部分拟成立 设备工程公司,面向社会提供包括设备维修的技术服务。

  • The United States which has monitors at Yongbyon said two weeks ago North Korea was observed moving equipment out of storage at Yongbyon .

    美国在宁边核设施派有监督人员。美国两个星期之前说,监督人员观察到北韩把 设备从宁边仓库里往外搬移。

  • He noted the United States is in the process of moving millions of pieces of equipment from Iraq and continues to close or turn over military bases to Iraqi government troops .

    他指出, 美国正将数百万件 设备从伊拉克运回国,之后将逐渐关闭或向伊拉克政府部队移交军事基地。

  • The fitness craze which is sweeping across the United States is a form of strength training which requires little equipment .

    这股健身热潮席卷了 美国,这种训练力量的形式对 器材没有太多要求。

  • In order to keep a dominant position in night vision the United States and its allies are continuously developing more advanced night vision technologies and equipment and have achieved important progresses .

    为继续保持夜视技术的优势, 美国及其盟友不断地发展更为先进的夜视技术和 装备,并取得重要进展。

  • The United States Agency for International Development said that it had spent more than $ 100 million on protective equipment and relief supplies and planned to budget another $ 75 million .

    美国国际开发署( UnitedStatesAgencyforInternationalDevelopment)称,已经提供了价值超过1亿美元的保护 装备和救援物资,并打算再划拨7500万美元。

  • The equipment procurement contract management of the United States army was analyzed . Reference suggestion was put forward for our army equipment procurement contract management .

    美军 装备合同管理进行分析,进而提出若干有益于我军 装备采购合同管理的借鉴意见。

  • The international advanced design technology mainly includes the United States criterion Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association ( CEMA ) and Germany DIN criterion . Technology differences are compared between ISO and CEMA .

    国际上, 大型带式输送机设计主要采用 美国CEMA标准和德国DIN标准等。

  • The design of pneumatic and hydraulic united controlled clamping instrument used on the oil-tube installing equipment was introduced .

    介绍了油管压装 设备气液 联合控制夹具的设计。

  • In an effort to make the game popular in the United States CricketGear wants to create a Web presence that would let potential cricket players surf its site and place orders for equipment .

    为了使这项运动在 美国流行起来,CricketGear想要建立Web页,使潜在的板球选手浏览该站点并定购 装备

  • The status of consumption demand and supply for bisphenol-A 's in three main producing area United States Western Europe Japan are described manufacture and equipment construct status of other country and region of Asia are also introduced in detail .

    美国、西欧、日本这三大双酚A产地的消费和供求情况以及亚洲其它国家和地区的双酚A生产和 装置建设情况分别进行了详细介绍。

  • Finite Time Thermodynamic Analysis of the United Power Equipment with Heat Leak

    存在热漏时 联合动力 装置的有限时间热力学分析

  • So far China United thermal regeneration of complete sets of equipment will be officially to the market .

    至此, 中联热再生成套 设备将正式推向市场。

  • Microwave united measuring and control system ( MUMCS ) is one of the most popular measuring and control equipments and plays an important role in the measuring and control equipment of aircraft in China .

    微波 统一测控系统作为为目前国内的航天器测控的主用设备,在航天器的测控 系统中起着重要的作用。

  • The United States will also help train police and emergency personnel in disaster response and provide equipment such as generators survival kits and life vests .

    美国还将帮助培训警察和紧急救灾人员,并提供发电机、求生工具及救生服等 设备 装置