universal class

[ˌjunəˈvɚsəl klæs][ˌju:niˈvə:səl klɑ:s]


  • Beneath the sameness of the uniform and the discipline universal military service wiped out distinctions of class and place .

    在统一的着装和纪律之下, 普遍征兵制的实施消除了社会各 阶级之间的界限。

  • A Probe into Several Problems of Volleyball Universal Education Class Optimization

    排球 普修教学优化若干问题的探讨

  • In this paper we propose a universal attack scheme for a class of group signatures and we apply the attack scheme to three new group signatures to prove that they are all not coalition resistant .

    文章对一 类群签名方案提出了一个 通用的联合攻击,并将其应用于三个新提出的群签名方案,证明了这三个方案均是不安全的。

  • Efficient Universal Methods for the Kinematics Analysis of the Planar Linkages with High Class Assur Groups

    平面带高级 阿苏尔组机构运动分析的 通用高效算法

  • According to Marxism there is no universal value absent of class nature in class society .

    马克思主义认为,在阶级社会不存在所谓超 阶级 价值。

  • The Universal Approximation of A Class of Vague Systems

    Vague系统的 万能逼近性

  • As a universal existence the informal group has its important effects on the growth of students as well as the control of the class both positive and negative .

    班级中的非正式群体是一种 普遍的存在, 班级非正式群体对学生的发展,对班级管理具有十分重要的影响。

  • The code was in the first instance an attempt to make a universal system off justice available to his entire subacts equally but a privileged status for class wealth and age was written into it .

    其首要的目的是试图为各阶级臣民制定一个 普遍公正的法制体系,但是 阶级、财产和年龄的特权地位也写入了法典中。

  • The learning of foreign languages of universal Senior High School students comes from school and class or rather from teachers .

    普通高中生对于外国语言的习得主要来自学校,来自 课堂

  • Here we show a universal controller can be used to solve the problem of global stabilization for a class feedforward systems that cannot be adequately controlled using existing methods .

    对于这 非线性前馈系统不能用已有的设计方法来镇定,这里我们提供了一种 通用的控制器来解决系统的全局稳定的问题。

  • In higher vocational sketch teaching it is the universal phenomenon to neglect the literary sketch in class teaching in higher vocational colleges .

    在高职的素描教学中,忽略了速写的 课堂教学是高职院校乃至普通高校的 普遍现象。

  • This paper by giving a universal module class of accessing database using JDBC sets up unitive interface of accessing diversified background database systems in different environment thus completing designing of three-layer database system in JSP based on the module .

    文章利用JDBC技术设计了一个访问操作数据库的 通用组件 ,建立了一个在不同环境访问各种后台数据系统的统一接口;在该组件的基础上,以JSP为环境完成三层数据库系统设计。

  • The Universal Serial Bus Mass Storage Class Specification defines standard transport protocol and commands set for storage device that performs communication through USB . Therefore any host / device compatible with these specifications can communicate with each other directly .

    USB海量存储设备 规范为通过USB连接的存储设备规定了标准的传输协议和命令集,任何符合此规范的主机和设备都可以直接进行通讯。

  • The division of labor gives rise to contradiction between individual interests and common interests however common interest advocated by state brings about seemingly universal interests and value of the ruling class .

    分工出现了单个的利益和共同利益之间的矛盾,共同利益以国家的形式出现,从而使统治 阶级的利益和价值观获得了貌似的 普遍

  • Senator Ted Kennedy a veteran fighter in the Senate for universal health care and other issues that affect working class families .

    泰迪。肯尼迪多年来在参议院中为 美国 全民医疗保险和其它一些影响工薪 阶层家庭的问题而奋斗。

  • Conclusion Class 1 integron was very universal in clinical gram negative bacilli and class 2 integron was lesser .

    结论1类整合子在革兰阴性杆菌中 普遍存在,2 整合子相对较少。

  • Universal suffrage is thus the gauge of the maturity of the working class .

    因此, 普选制是测量工人 阶级成熟性的标尺。

  • Design of universal middleware model for one class of hardware devices

    面向一 硬件的 通用中间件模型设计

  • Methods To detect the gene of class ⅰ integrase by PCR with universal primer and conjugal transfer the plasmid of class ⅰ integron positive strains .

    方法用I 整合酶基因 通用引物对临床分离大肠埃希菌进行PCR检测,并对阳性菌株进行接合转移实验。

  • As a social practice ideological and political education universal existence in all countries in class society and different historical period in various countries .

    思想政治教育作为一种社会实践活动,它 普遍存在于 阶级社会的一切国家和各国的不同历史时期。

  • Features like the UNIVERSAL class 's isa () and can () methods Class : : Struct and lvalue class methods are gently explained .

    例如 UNIVERSAL 的isa()和can()方法,Class::Struct以及lvalue类方法等在书里都有详细解释。

  • A universal class of3D-graph in oil reservoir simulation software is introduced . Also it puts forward a connection algorithm of cylinder based on intersected central shaft in the class .

    介绍了一个用于实现油藏数值模拟软件中三维图形的绘制和显示的 通用 ,并提出了一种用于解决该类中中心轴线相交的圆柱体之间进行连接的算法。

  • The protests during the Arab Spring and the more recent ones in Turkey Brazil and South Africa were rooted in the universal desire to participate in the global middle class .

    阿拉伯之春期间的抗议活动,以及最近在土耳其、巴西和南非发生的抗议活动,都植根于一种跻身全球中产 阶级 普遍愿望。

  • Under the universal educational law a certain class or branch of learning has its special regularity .

    普遍的教育规律之下,某一 门类或学科的教育教学有其特殊的规律性。

  • At present the precision grade of the majority of domestic universal measurement equipment of DC parameters is generally 0.5 or 0.2 class and the measuring instrument with higher precision is 0.1 ~ 0.05 class .

    目前国内的大多数 通用直流电参数测量设备,精度等级一般为0.5级或0.2 ,精度更高的测量仪表(校表)一般为0.1~0.05级。

  • Universal Approximation of a Class of Continuous Fuzzy Valued Functions by Regular Fuzzy Neural Networks

    正则模糊神经网络对一 连续模糊值函数的 普遍近似性

  • Firstly It is a universal social rule that the mainstream ideology reflects the ideology of the ruling class ;

    首先,主流意识形态反映统治 阶级的思想体系是一个 普遍的社会规律;