unjust enrichment

[ʌnˈdʒʌst ɛnˈrɪtʃmənt][ʌnˈdʒʌst inˈritʃmənt]


  • Unjust enrichment system plays an indispensable and important role in human social life .

    不当 得利制度 由来已久,在人类社会生活中发挥着不可或缺的重要作用。

  • Because as a legal system the development of the unjust enrichment in our country is slow and delayed .

    因为 不当 得利作为一项制度在我国的发展水平缓慢并具有一定滞后性。

  • This part studied this overlapping problem of unjust enrichment and offense of misappropriation from its nature .

    该部分从实质上研究了 不当 得利与侵占罪的交叉问题。

  • In fact the return of unjust enrichment and return of the scope of the object are different .

    事实上, 不当 得利的返还客体和返还范围是有区别的。

  • The part two the base of theory of the unjust enrichment by violating rights and relative study .

    第二部分:权益侵害 不当 得利发生的理论基础及研究现状。

  • About the components of unjust enrichment there is each regulation in two law system .

    关于 不当 得利的构成要件,两大法系都有自己的规定。

  • Part three presented the essence of overlapping between unjust enrichment as a lawful fact and offense of misappropriation .

    第三部分: 不当 得利法律事实与侵占罪交叉的实质。

  • And constructive trusts implied as a matter of law have become an essential device for avoiding unjust enrichment in cases of fraud and mistake .

    推定信托,作为普通法默认的制度,已经成为一种在欺诈和过失案件中防止 不当 得利的基本工具。

  • Unjust enrichment is a general institution in modern civil law .

    不当 得利罗马创设至今已发展为现代民法上的一项一般制度。

  • This section analyzes other countries particularly civil law countries and regions constitute the elements of unjust enrichment system and legal effect .

    本部分分析了国外特别是大陆法系国家和地区的 不当 得利制度的构成要件和法律效力。

  • Unjust enrichment in international private law contains the factor concerning foreign affairs and law application conflicts .

    国际私法上的 不当 得利含有涉外因素,在法律适用上会发生冲突。

  • So the general theory of unjust enrichment could be applied to protect trademark exclusive rights .

    本文拟在 阐明 不当 得利一般原理的基础上,探讨其在商标权民事救济上的适用。

  • For the foundation of excluding claim for unjust enrichment we can find in the theory of natural obligation .

    对于 好意施惠排除 不当 得利请求权的依据,可以从自然债务理论中进行寻找。

  • Our existing system of unjust enrichment very incomplete only two provisions in existing law to be adjusted .

    我国现有的 不当 得利制度极不完备,现行法律仅有两个条文予以调整。

  • Unjust Enrichment civil law legal system is an important content of China 's socialist legal system is an integral part .

    不当 得利法律制度是民法的一个重要内容,是我国社会主义法律体系的组成部分。

  • In Anglo-American law system unjust enrichment originated from two sources : the quasi-contract and abandoning infringement .

    在英美法系中 不当 得利主要是作为返还法的基础存在的,主要有两个来源:准合同和放弃侵权。

  • In this part the author has discussed the function of the unjust enrichment by violating rights .

    在此部分,笔者对权益侵害 不当 得利 制度 概念及功用进行了阐述。

  • Indeed the fact that a patent application is the breeding ground of an unjust enrichment claim does not require proof of a patent benefit .

    实际上,专利申请是 不当 得利主张的温床这一事实,不需要存在专利利益的证据。

  • The patentee does not return the damages which obtained for patent infringement should be done as unjust enrichment .

    专利权人不返还在专利无效前获得的专利侵权赔偿金的,应当做为 不当 得利 处理

  • The parties ' unjust enrichment and restitution in the termination of contracts .

    合同终止过程中还涉及双方当事人的 不当 得利及其返还问题。

  • The first chapter focuses on the basic theory of The unjust enrichment of infringing on the rights and interests .

    第一章主要介绍了权益侵害 不当 得利的理论概况,提出其概念与制度功能,与侵权行为的异同。

  • As basic theory of insurance system principle of indemnity can prevent moral hazard and avoid unjust enrichment .

    作为保险制度的理论基础,损失补偿原则具有防范道德风险,避免 不当 得利 社会效应。

  • Implied-in-law contracts are quasi-contracts because the obligation is created by law in absence of agreement to prevent unjust enrichment .

    法律默示合同是准合同,因为在缺乏协议的情形下义务由法律制定以防止 不当 得利

  • Unjust enrichment is an ancient system which has been able to search in Roman law .

    不当 得利 制度是一项古老的制度,在罗马法中即能搜寻到它的身影。

  • The unjust enrichment can produce the obligations it is a kind of legal fact in character .

    不当 得利能引起债的发生,在性质上是一种法律事实。

  • It refers to unjust enrichment without benefit of legal reasons the injured person to the fact .

    不当 得利它是指无法律上之原因而受益,致他人受损害之事实。

  • And the functions of this system are achieved through the specific regulations of restitution of unjust enrichment .

    该功能是通过对 不当 得利返还的具体制度设计来实现的。

  • Claim Right on Unjust Enrichment and Claim Right on Property : Centering on the Patterns of Property Right Transfer ; Pricing Model of European Contingent Claim with Different Interest rate

    不当 得利请求权与物上请求权&以物权变动模式为中心具有不同借贷利率的欧式未定权益定价模型

  • Various countries and regions are very concerned about study on theory and practice of the modern unjust enrichment system .

    各个国家和地区都非常关注现代 不当 得利制度的理论及实践研究。