United States Senate


  • And the United States Senate has a duty as well-to give those nominees a fair hearing and a prompt up-or-down vote on the Senate floor .

    美国 参议院也有责任就这些提名人选问题举行公平的听证会,并在参议院立即做出表决。

  • MCCAIN : It 's well-known that I have not been elected Miss Congeniality in the United States Senate nor with the administration .

    麦凯恩:众所周知我在 美国 议员和行政部门都不是好好先生。

  • We had an energy bill before the United States Senate .

    美国 国会之前曾有过一个能源议案。

  • The United States Senate has a committee on ways and means .


  • The United States Senate voted to begin debate on a historic immigration bill .


  • From his heroic service in Vietnam to his years as prosecutor and lieutenant governor through two decades in the United States Senate he has devoted himself to this country .

    从他英勇的越战经验到公诉人,再到副州长,以及在 美国 参议院 任职的二十年,这些年他把自己献身给了这个国家。

  • The case includes accusations that he tried to sell an appointment to Barack Obama 's former seat in the United States Senate .

    本案包括控告他试图出售奥巴马遗留的 参议院的职位。

  • Be honest : Do you think this is the biography of someone who could be elected to the United States Senate ?

    坦白说,你觉得这像不像一份简历,而简历的主角有可能当选 美国 总统

  • After extensive debate the United States Senate last week passed a comprehensive immigration bill .

    经过广泛争论, 美国 参议院于上周通过了一项综合移民法案。

  • On Monday the Banking Committee of the United States Senate will debate a proposal to address the abuse and excess that led to the worst financial crisis in generations .

    美国 参议院的银行委员会将会在星期一针对一项议案进行讨论,该案主要是为了应对积习已久的滥用与浪费,正是这些滥用与浪费导致了最严重的金融危机。

  • You 'll need them to fund your bid for the United States senate .

    得让他们为你竞选 国会 参议员出资。

  • Senator Bob Graham is the former two – term governor of Florida and served for18 years in the United States Senate .

    参议员鲍勃·格雷汉姆(BobGraham)是前两届佛罗里达州长并在 美国 参议院任职18年。

  • Before joining the Forum Nichols was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs a position requiring confirmation by the United States Senate .

    在加入该机构之前,尼克尔斯是美国财政部公众事务副秘书长,由 美国 参议院 指定

  • Kennedy was a mentor during his early days in the United States Senate and was an early and avid booster of his presidential campaign .

    在奥巴马进入 美国 参议院初期,肯尼迪曾作过奥巴马的导师,而且在奥巴马参加总统竞选期间,肯尼迪很早就积极帮助奥巴马竞选。

  • I didn 't win Miss Congeniality in the United States Senate .

    我可不是 美国 议会中的好好先生。

  • He has voted in the United States Senate to increase taxes on people who make as low as $ 42 a year .

    他曾经在 美国 议会投票支持向那些年收入只有4.2万美元之低的人增税。

  • The United States Senate refused to ratify the treaty . They repudiated President Wilson 's signature .

    美国 参议院拒绝批准条约,否决了威尔逊总统的签署。

  • He didn 't happen to see that light during the first three years as a member of the United States Senate $ 932 million in requests .

    而在他作为 美国 议会成员的前三年,没有见过他良心发现,9.32亿美元的申请啊。

  • This confirmation backlog makes it harder for government to meet its responsibilities-and the United States Senate needs to give every nominee an up-or-down vote as soon as possible .

    这些积压的决定让政府履行职责 步履维艰联邦会议应该尽快对这些候选人的 去留进行投票。

  • Who made it to Yale Law and the United States senate .

    上了耶鲁的法律系,再进了 参议院

  • The United States Senate and House of Representatives are due to vote on a bill to raise the limit on US borrowing ahead of a deadline to avert an unprecedented debt default .

    在最后期限之前, 美国 参议院和众议院即将针对提高债务限额的法案进行表决,避免前所未有的债务违约。

  • The leader of the Republicans in the United States Senate says agreement is very close on a deal to raise the limit on US borrowing to avert an unprecedented default on America 's debt .

    美国 参议院共和党领导人称,针对提高美国债务限额即将达成协议,避免前所未有的债务违约行为。

  • Surely the United States Senate is big enough to take self-criticism and self-appraisal .

    当然, 美国 参议院有足够大的度量作自我批评和自我评价。

  • That 's the basic bargain . I 'll do my best to honor in the United States Senate .

    这是最起码的,作为一 参议院,我将尽自己最大的努力来实现它。

  • We cant try to resolve problems in the South China Sea when we have refused to make sure that the Law of the Sea Convention is ratified by the United States Senate despite the fact that our top military leaders say the treaty advances our national security .

    虽然我国军方高层领导人都认为《海洋法公约》的通过会提高我国的国家安全,但如果我们无法确保 美国 参议院通过该公约,我们也就无法解决中国南海问题。

  • I have to go back and live in Arizona and be in the United States Senate .

    我要回去,住在美国亚利桑那州,并在 美国 参议院工作。

  • Just a few years ago he interviewed a group of foster children at a United States Senate hearing on the state of foster care .

    就在几年之前,他在 联邦 参议院关于寄养情况的听证会上问询了一批寄养儿童。

  • We have an expression in the United States Senate where I served for many years when we want to say something personal we say permit me a point of personal privilege .

    我曾多年担任美国 参议员,在 美国 参议院,我们如果想提出个人看法,会采取一种表述方式,我们会说,请允许我提出一个个人特权问题。