Quantum parallel computing is algorithm to get function value corresponding to any variables of a function by unitary operations on quantum bits leading to information processing simultaneously on the same operation in same way .
量子并行计算是通过 幺 正变换对量子比特上所有信息实施同时同样 操作的方法得到函数各个自变量对应的函数值的算法。
By introducing an auxiliary particle and performing a collective unitary operation quantum dense coding will be succeeded with certain probability .
通过引入辅助粒子和进行联合 么 正 变换,多方信息传输的密集编码以一定的概率实现。
This conclusion exhibits clear contrast with the previous understanding of local unitary operation that is local operation can not change the entanglement degree . Therefore it is a valuable complement to the previous conclusion .
该结论与此前人们对局域 幺 正 操作的认识,即局域操作不能改变纠缠度形成鲜明对比,是对此前结论的一个有意义的补充。
Compared with the proposed quantum secret sharing protocol using entanglement swapping it is unnecessary for the protocol to perform local unitary operation .
与已有的基于纠缠交换的量子秘密共享协议相比较,该协议不需要进行局域 幺 正 操作,协议的实现更为简单。
Under the situation of increasing competition and ARPU decrease Mobile Communication Companies have to turn from unitary business to multiple businesses operation and try to look for new business to increase competitiveness and revenue .
在日益激烈的市场竞争和用户收入(ARPU)下降的紧迫形势下,各移动通信公司不得不从 单一业务经营转向多业务 经营,努力寻找能提高竞争力和收入的新业务。
In this protocol each voter ballot by performing local unitary operation while a trusted third party is able to count the votes according to measurement result ( public message ) .
在该方案中,投票者利用局域 幺 正 操作进行投票,并可根据测量结果计算出投票的票数。
Secondly the unitary operation of planting is not only unfavorable to the stability of regional agricultural material resources unused and wasted .
第二、种植业的 单一 经营,既不利于区域农业经济的稳定、健康发展,又造成其他几种农业自然资源的闲置和浪费;
Therefore in this thesis with the fact that the joint unitary operation can generate quantum entanglement in mind we discuss the operator entanglement of the general joint unitary operation firstly .
故此,在本论文中我们将以联合 幺 正 操作可以实现量子纠缠为主线,探讨一般联合幺正操作算符的纠缠特性。
The unitary regulation has some advantages such as the economy of scale the less cost of supervision averting supervision arbitrage etc which can meet the need of financial mixed operation .
一体化监管具有规模经济优势,利于节约监管成本,消除监管真空并避免监管套利,从而能较好地适应混业 经营状况。
In quantum communication process to prepare some systems in some specific entanglement and to enhance the entanglement of systems to a specific value by joint quantum unitary operation are in urgent need in practice .
在量子通信过程中,我们往往要根据实际的需要制备具有一定纠缠度的纠缠态或是通过 量子 操作实现系统间的纠缠度增加到某一特定值。
In 2003 unitary transition of operation style was advocated by Chinese government to establish and popularize cable digital television ( CDT ) network .
为有效推进有线数字电视网的普及和组建,2003年我国开始普遍提倡 整体转换的 运营模式。
美[ˈjunɪˌtɛri ˌɑpəˈreʃən]英[ˈju:nitəri ˌɔpəˈreiʃən]
[电] 单元运算