unity of law

[ˈjunɪti ʌv lɔ][ˈju:niti ɔv lɔ:]

[法] 法律的统一

  • The inherent consistency and the fusion of scientific spirit and humane spirit reflects the unity of objective law and subjective purpose .

    科学精神与人文精神的内在一致和相互融合,体现了 规律 与合目的性的 统一

  • HART . Part Three : Unity of law and morality .

    第三部分: 法律与道德的 统一

  • The view of law based on the relative unity and compromise of law and morality is that law is a social and historical existence at the same time law is a unity of morality and normalization .

    法律和道德的相对 统一和妥协中应树立的法律观是:法律是一种社会历史的存在,法律是合道德性与合规范性的统一。

  • The new features include unity of science and humanities unity of global and local unity of competition and cooperation unity of academic and leisure unity of rule by law and rule by virtue .

    高校图书馆文化的新特征包括科技与人文的统一、全球与本土的统一、竞争与合作的统一、学术与休闲的 统一法治与德治的 统一等。

  • This situation leads to the conflict between the two basic factors-the institutional law culture and ideological law culture which form the unity of law culture .

    这就造成了作为 文化 整体的两个基本构成要素&制度性法文化和观念 法文化互相矛盾、互相冲突的状况。

  • This article demonstrate the important judicial practice problem from the judicial procedure of substantive law realistic economic perspective strives to be the unity of substantial law and procedural law .

    本文从司法程序运行对实体法的现实意义视角,来论证经济法重要的司法实践问题,力求做到实体 与程序法的 统一

  • Now this situation is detrimental to the unity of law the interest of parties healthy development of real estate market and judicial system .

    目前,这种对房屋买卖 合同 效力 认识不一的状况,极大地妨碍了 法律 适用 统一,既不利于 保护当事人的 合法权益,也不利于保障房地产市场的健康发展。

  • Then this article analyzed the feasibility of building unified competitive sports arbitration system in China in three aspect : unity of law demands legislative fulcrum function of sports law and the function of the arbitration law .

    然后本文从 法律 统一 诉求、《体育法》提供的立法抓手作用以及《仲裁法》提供的范式作用三个方面分析了在中国构建竞技体育统一仲裁制度的可行性。

  • Thus led to the theft and fraud are intertwined not accurate conviction and sentencing of criminal cases this is damage to a certain extent the stability and unity of the law and the possibility of people forecast .

    从而导致了盗窃与欺诈相互交织的刑事案件得不到准确的定罪和量刑,这就在一定程度上损害了 的安定性、 统一 和国民的预测可能性。

  • Legal culture in the rural areas of rural culture and national unity of the process of interaction between civilizations the closed nature of the rural integrity and national unity of law but also the rural tradition and the unity of modern civilization .

    农村法文化是农村文化与国家文明互动统一的过程,是农村的封闭性与国家 的整体 统一,也是农村传统与现代文明的统一。

  • The legal unity the combination of the unification of law and the unity of law is obviously theoretical professional and dynamic .

    法律 统一是法律统一性和法律统一化的内外结合,具有显著的理念性、专业性和动态性。

  • It 's not good for the unity of criminal law and judicature there 's no need for it under the ' simple process ' .

    从刑事司法实践来看,它不利于刑事 司法 统一,还可能纵容在刑事司法中的权钱交易,而且在现有的简易程序之下,辩诉交易无存在的必要。

  • On the Unity of Rule by Law and Rule by Virtue

    、德兼治的 人文理念论德治与法治的 统一

  • The unity of opposites law of individual concept and general concept is the basic law of thought process .

    个别概念和一般概念的对立 统一 规律是思维运动的基本规律;

  • Legislative jurisdiction compartmentalization directly counts for the unity of national law system the relationship between the central authority and districts and the relationship among different districts as well as the success of the construction of legal system .

    立法权限划分直接关系到国家 法制体系的 统一、中央与地方、地方与地方之间关系的处理以及法治建设的成败。

  • This act of unfair tax competition not only violates the legal principle of taxation undermining the unity of the tax law . But also against the idea of the value of tax fairness even more resulted in the loss of the overall tax benefit .

    这些不正当税收竞争行为不仅违反了税收法定原则,破坏了 税法 统一 ,同时也违背了税收公平的价值理念,更造成了我国整体税收利益的损失。

  • Fourthly it helps people attain a unity of law and aim in the practice .

    其四,它有助于人们在实践中达到 规律 目的 统一

  • This paper emphasize on the expression and application of law of unity of opposite law of mutual change of quality and quantity and law of eternal development in the research of TCM .

    文章着重介绍了对立 统一、质量互变和永恒发展的 规律在中药研究中的体现和运用。

  • On the Internal Unity of Rule by Law and Rule by Moral

    赋有 浓厚 人文精神 法治与德治的内在 统一

  • The basic properties of institution justice are unity of science and value unity of rule by law and rule by morality unity of morality and happiness unity of benefit and fairness and unity of freedom and order .

    制度公正的基本属性:①科学与价值的 统一 法治与德治的统一;③道德与幸福的统一;④效率与公平的统一;⑤自由与秩序的统一。

  • On the Unity of Socialist Law and Morality

    略论社会主义 法律与道德的 统一

  • Educational circles in countries of civil law hold negative attitude to applying punitive damages in the contract law from the view of maintaining the unity of statute law system . But owing to the reality of the society the standing point of punitive damages has already loosened .

    大陆法系国家学界从维护 法律制度的 统一 的角度出发,对合同法中适用惩罚性赔偿持否定态度,但鉴于社会的现实,惩罚性赔偿所具有的功能,这一立场已有松动。

  • Specific analysis of piano technique and art theory of the unity of opposites law and the law of development & Piano negation and so on .

    具体分析钢琴技术与艺术的对立 统一 规律及钢琴理论发展规律&否定之否定等内容。

  • If there is no unified theory and principles as a guide the handling of the case must be left to investigators who own decision which will not only affect the unity of the criminal law but also seriously affect the handling of some cases .

    如果没有统一的理论和原则为指导,对案件的处理必然只能听任办案者自己决断,这不但会影响刑事 法制 统一 ,而且还会严重影响一些案件的处理质量。

  • Marxist philosophy approaches rationality from the perspective of practice and sees rationality as a unity of law purpose and standard stressing the need to explore the rational ways of development in the unity of the principles of truth and the principles of value .

    马克思主义哲学把合理性看做 规律性、合目的性和合规范 统一,主张在真理原则与价值原则的统一中探索人文社会科学的合理化发展途径。

  • The development of history is a dialectical unity of objective law and subjective selection .

    历史的发展,是 规律性与主体选择的辩证 统一

  • The author wishes that unity of criminal law can be implemented by means of reforming in sentencing regulating the discretionary power improving the quality of judges supervising judges and reforming in judicial procedures and entities .

    笔者希望通过程序和实体方面的改革、加强对法官的监督、提高法官素质等方面进一步规范法官量刑自由裁量权,推进量刑改革,从而达到刑事 法治 统一

  • His views on law are of the unity of human law and divine law .

    莎士比亚的法律观体现了他的人 和神法的 统一观。