However having a strong culture shall not mean to refuse or to be prejudiced about universalist approaches .
但是,有一个强大的文化并不意味着可以拒绝或者对 普遍主义方法持有偏见。
Machiavelli 's state itself has universalist ambitions in many ways much like its Christian and Roman predecessors .
马奇亚维利的国家本身,也有 普遍 性的野心,从很多层面看来,很像其基督与罗马帝国的前辈。
Yongji Yingying universalist Temple Tower Wan Temple ;
永济 普救寺莺莺塔、万国寺;
The universalist position is arrived at instead by an indirect route .
普遍论 者的立场 改由一条间接的途径得出。
The contemporary mainstream western ethics is based on the basis of analytic philosophy emphasizing the universality of reason with a universalist attitude in morality .
当代西方主流伦理学是基于分析哲学的基础上的,强调的是理性的普遍性,在道德观上持一种 普遍主义态度。