unknown soldier

[ʌnˈnon ˈsoldʒɚ][ʌnˈnəʊn ˈsəuldʒə]


  • She quickly becomes an old widow her face wrinkled and sad before the image turns into a monument to an Unknown Soldier .

    她很快成为一个老寡妇,她的脸上布满皱纹和悲伤,在图像变成了一个纪念碑的 无名 烈士

  • Middleton wore a veil held in place by a tiara and held a small bouquet containing lily of the valley which she will place on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier after the ceremony .

    米德尔顿女士头戴三重冠并罩有面纱,手持来一小把花束,其中含有来自山谷的百合,典礼结束后,她将把它放在 无名 战士墓上。

  • Keifer 's is still a fundamentally modernist project foregrounding the hand of the artist implicitly asserting the martyrdom of the artist as equivalent to that of the unknown soldier .

    但是基佛的作品仍然是一种根本性的现代主义计划,以强调作品来反映殉难的艺术家,俨于那些 无名 士兵

  • This monument is sacred to the memory of the unknown soldier .

    这一纪念碑是为纪念 无名 将士而建立的。

  • Place lay w_745 a wreath at on w_751 the tomb of the Unknown Soldier

    无名 战士墓上献花圈

  • He laid a wreath at the grave of the unknown soldier .

    他在 无名 军人的墓前放了一个花圈。

  • To celebrate Memorial Day a grand ceremony is always held at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery near Washington D.C.

    为庆祝阵亡纪念日,盛大仪式通常在华盛顿特区附近的阿灵顿国家公墓的 无名 将士墓前举行。

  • And I hold this medal for the unknown soldier .

    并把这个勋章颁发给一 无名英雄

  • In 1921 President Harding dedicated the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery .

    1921年,美国总统哈丁决定在阿林顿国家公墓设立 无名 勇士墓!

  • They even have an appointment to lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier .

    他们甚至还约定去 无名 烈士墓前敬献花圈。

  • The remains of an unknown Australian soldier exhumed from a First World War military cemetery in France were ceremonially entombed in the Memorial 's Hall of Memory .

    在法国仍然是一个 未知的澳大利亚在墓地的 士兵,挖掘出从战争军事第一世界,被隆重记忆被埋在纪念大厅。

  • As a remark on the Unknown Soldier 's Grave & Your name is unknown to all but your deeds is immortal .

    正如 无名 烈士墓的碑文所写“你的名字无人知晓,你的功绩永世长存。”