


  • Theobromine caffeine and theophylline are zanthine methylium derivates . They have the similar mother structure but different on the number of replaced methylium and its place .

    可可碱 Theobromine)、咖啡因 Caffeine)、茶碱 Theophylline)是 黄嘌呤甲基衍生物,它们的母体结构相同,只是甲基取代基的数目和位置不同。

  • The SOD activity and the MDA level in granulosa cells were measured by the methods of zanthine hydrocarbonylation and thio-malonylurea . 4 .

    采用 黄嘌呤 氧化酶法和硫代巴比妥(TBA)法检测颗粒细胞的SOD活性和MDA含量。