On the other hand Mrs Clinton is intelligent and formidably hard-working and has undoubted star power .
另一方面,克林顿夫人天资聪颖,工作非常努力,而且具有 不容 质疑的明星效应。
Only when painting language producing the above-mentioned undoubted value people believe does painting become a real art .
只有当绘画语言产生出以上 使人们 无庸置疑的价值时,绘画才可能成为真正的艺术。
One of the undoubted ironies is the effect the financial crisis has had on the business school funding model .
确然 无疑的讽刺之一,是金融危机对商学院筹资模式的影响。
Yet Nigeria is also highly opaque despite recent reforms and corruption is an undoubted cause of the bloody rebellion in the Niger Delta that has cut into oil exports .
然而,尼日利亚同样高度不透明,尽管近期实行了改革,但 毋庸 置疑,腐败仍是尼日尔三角洲发生流血叛乱,并影响到石油出口的一个原因。
His sincerity is undoubted .
他的诚意是 无 容 置疑的。
Forlan 's world class stature is undoubted and he has a real chance in forthcoming games against Ghana and then ( probably ) Spain to show the world just how good he is .
毋庸 置疑,弗兰是世界级球星,他在随后对加纳和与潜在对手西班牙的比赛中有机会真正证明了自己的实力。
This is his undoubted privilege ; and I have no intention to break in upon it .
这是他 不容置疑的特权,我无意打破它。
The recruitment of teachers has been an undoubted problem .
毫无 疑问,教师招聘一直是一个问题。
It is the undoubted right of the people of England to call them to account for it .
英格兰人民 无疑 有权要求他们对此作出解释。
E.H.There is an undoubted revival of public interest in Marx in the capitalist world though probably not as yet in the new East European members of the European Union .
埃里克·霍布斯鲍姆:在资本主义世界中,大众对马克思的兴趣 无疑正在复苏,但在欧盟的东欧国家中,暂时还没有这种现象。
It is undoubted that education is a sensitive nerve to the impoverished areas for their harmonious development .
贫困地区要实现和谐发展,教育 无疑是一根敏感的神经。
The merchants gaining favor by operating media are the undoubted representative of the voice .
以运营媒体来获得利益的商人 无疑是这种声音的代表。
Her undoubted skill class ability etc as an athlete
她 身为运动员的 无可置疑技术、水平、能力等
This was an undoubted social evil against which many voices were to be raised .
这 无疑是一种社会邪恶,势必遭到人们的强烈反对。
She is the undoubted star of British ballet .
她是英国 毋庸 置疑的芭蕾明星。
The event was an undoubted success .
这件事毫无 疑问是成功的。
But I 'm about to see one of the undoubted wonders of the world .
但我要看的 箱约是世界奇 颧。
Despite his undoubted talent he needs to work hard as well .
尽管他 绝对 有天赋,但是他还是需要努力的。
He produced several undoubted masterpieces .
他写了几 本 无庸置疑的杰作。
This has undoubted attractions – but also some disadvantages .
这一点具有 毋庸 置疑的吸引力,但也有一些坏处。
A state-managed banking system has undoubted virtues .
国家控制的银行体系具有 毋庸 置疑的好处。
The great achievement of the headmaster-directed system is undoubted however the traditional headmaster-directed system is not a perfect one .
校长负责制的巨大历史功绩虽 毋庸 置疑,但传统的校长负责制并不是完美的体制。
Evidence of its presence can be taken as undoubted . Far too many people have seen something abnormal to question its existence he wrote .
水怪存在的证据 毋庸 置疑, 有太多的人目睹了证明水怪存在的异常现象,默多克这样写道。
Of what he has particularly accused me I am ignorant ; but of the truth of what I shall relate I can summon more than one witness of undoubted veracity .
我不知道他特别指责我的是哪一点;但是我要在这里陈述的事实真相,可以找出不少 信誉 卓著的人出来做见证。
As for a kid it has close relationship with natural environment and climate which is true and undoubted .
因为与一定自然环境、气候有关,对小孩来说,那就是 既成事实。
In recent years it has been my great honour and undoubted pleasure to participate in21st Century English Speaking competitions in cities as far apart as Macao Wuhan and Xian .
近年来,在中国各大城市,如澳门、武汉和西安等地举办了21世纪演讲比赛。为此我们深感荣幸,同时也为成功举办历届演讲比赛而感到高兴和 自豪。
As a manager he has an undoubted ability to goad his staff to ever greater efforts .
作为一名经理,他促使员工勤奋工作的能力 不容置疑。
The show was an undoubted success .
毋庸 置疑,演出很成功。
Now some of this argument can be easily refuted by any measure of looking at what we can call the culture industries in which US global leadership is undoubted .
如今,能够很容易驳斥这种说法,通过观察在美国是全球领导地位的, 勿庸 置疑是我们可以称之为的“文化产业”。