The right of self - defense is only available against unlawful attack
在被 非法 攻击下才可使用自卫权
If we can not understand unlawful attack we can not judged what could be countered against this is the same as the denial of the right to self-defense .
如果不能明确 不法 侵害,公民就无法判断对其面对的何种侵害可以进行反击,这与剥夺公民的防卫权无异。
Self-defense system has been established thousands of years the scope of unlawful attack has been changes .
正当防卫制度创立至今的几千年里,防卫权所针对的 不法 侵害的范围一直处于变化之中。
美[ʌnˈlɔfəl əˈtæk]英[ʌnˈlɔ:fəl əˈtæk]
[法] 不法侵害