Much psychiatric medicine is undramatic stuff involving the prescription of drugs to uncommunicative patients .
许多精神病医学 平淡无奇,包括给沉默寡言的患者 开些处方药。
Moved with quiet force and undramatic bearing .
被平静的力量和 举止 风采 所 感动。
Abuse is the accretion of countless undramatic decisions each taken under the lure of current amusement pleasure or relief and neglecting the future .
滥用是无数 个 小决定的累积,每个 小决定 则 来自 及时行乐 ( 不管是消遣、追求快感还是放松)、忘记未来的诱惑。
If undramatic like the new chief executive himself the formula has gone down well .
如果 没有 波澜,就像这位新任首席执行官一样,这个公式已经执行得很好。