


  • The traditional consumer litigation of our country exposes that the qualifications of plaintiff is not sound ; the litigation benefit is uneconomical ;

    我国传统消费者诉讼暴露出原告资格不健全,诉讼效益不 经济 举证 责任 均衡等问题。

  • Meanwhile for ' strategic ' reasons Hong Kong banks continue to fight for market share on RMB deposits by offering uneconomical time deposit rates .

    与此同时,出于战略原因,香港银行仍在通过提供 经济的定期存款利率,来争夺人民币存款的市场份额。

  • Flow regulated by resistance change is apparently uneconomical .

    改变阻力的调节 阀门的节流调节,显然, 这种调节方式是 经济的。

  • Both Roller clutch and Plate ( or Positive ) clutch mast be used in some of light-load machinery . It make the structure massive and is uneconomical .

    有的轻载机械要同时用到超越离合器和摩擦离合器(或刚性离合器),这会使结构拥肿,很 经济

  • Defects quality control is uneconomical impossible and unnecessary .

    0缺陷质量管理既 经济,也不可能,更没有必要。

  • Qualitative analysis economic operation on the system of seal completely and estimate the loss of the cause of uneconomical operation on the system of seal completely because of adjust the machine set vibrate and put forward the some the improvement opinion .

    定性分析自密封系统运行 经济性,并对因调整机组振动而引起的 密封系统 经济运行进行了初步估算,提出了一些改进意见。

  • That using the modern control theory to control the high-rise construction structure earthquake respondence is an effective way to reduce the earthquake to the construction destruction at present . The traditional anti-seismic structure is not only uneconomical but also very possible dissatisfied secure request .

    采用现代控制理论对高层建筑结构的地震响应进行控制是目前减小地震时对建筑结构破坏的有效途径,传统的抗震结构不但 经济,而且很可能不满足安全性的要求。

  • On the other hand horizontal integration strategy had some negative effects increased management costs inputting too many resources uneconomical mutual aid actions and so did vertical integration strategy increasing cost of production management problem of production balance .

    横向一体化战略的负向效应有,管理成本增加、过度资源投入和 经济互助行为三个方面;纵向一体化战略的负向效应有,生产管理成本问题和生产平衡问题两个方面。

  • It can be helped by the unifying of relief activities which today are often scattered uneconomical and unequal .

    要把救济工作统一 掌管起来以 避免目前的分散、 浪费和不均的现象。

  • There used to be three branches of the fast food chain on the island until the 2009 financial crisis made it uneconomical to continue with the business .

    冰岛曾经有三家麦当劳连锁店,直到2009年金融危机爆发之后, 经济 环境麦当劳的生意 无法 维系下去了。

  • A clumsy and wasteful process ; wasteful duplication of effort ; uneconomical ebb and flow of power .

    笨拙、不经济的程序;浪费的重复工作;力量的 经济的消长。

  • And our disadvantages are : A. loose industrial structure and uneconomical enterprise scale ;

    我国 中成药工业的劣势是:产业结构分散,企业规模 经济

  • Many of the alternatives to coal oil and nuclear power are quite simply uneconomical .

    许多煤,石油和核电的替代物根本就是不 合算的。

  • The traditional earthquake-resistance method is improving the intensity and stiffness of structure which will be very uneconomical and probably unsafe .

    而按照传统的抗风抗震设计方法,即采用提高结构强度和刚度的方法来设计,将十分 经济,而且很可能不安全。

  • The conclusion is that using gravity retaining wall alone will be comparatively uneconomical .

    单纯采用重力式挡土墙是 经济的。

  • I do not mean to suggest that test cases should not be rigorous only that they should be no more rigorous than is justified and that we testers sometimes error on the side of uneconomical detail .

    我不是认为测试用例不应当严格,只是说它们过分严格,而且我们测试员有时在 经济的细节中犯错误。

  • Symmetrical structure bring to the people safe balanced stable grave and the perfect feeling break the symmetrical construction shape not only to increase the difficulty for the structural design but also cause the construction to change complex thus caused the uneconomical .

    对称的结构给人安全、均衡、稳定、庄重和完美的感觉,打破对称的建筑形态不仅给结构设计增加了难度,而且使施工变得复杂,从而导致 经济 造价 提高

  • Erosion control of soil is particularly uneconomical in the United States because of the untrammeled pursuit of profits .

    在美国,由于无休止地追求利润,所以控制土壤侵蚀特别 合算

  • The two groups are among a handful of companies trying to develop mines in the far west of Australia 's Midwest where much of the ore was deemed uneconomical to mine until ore prices started soaring on strong Asian demand .

    有几家公司试图在澳大利亚中西部以西地区开矿,其中就包括上述两家公司。在亚洲的强劲需求导致铁矿石价格飞涨之前,该地区的大量铁矿石曾被认为 成本 过高 适于开采。

  • An only slightly less insidious form of real estate is one that is uneconomical except for tax breaks .

    这种唯一略显狡诈的“房地产”形式除了税额优惠以外,对 购房而言 并无 经济 实惠 可言

  • The general composing of the power generation market in China has problems such as unreasonable power source structure uneconomical power plant scale unfair competition among power enterprises complex electrovalence system low energy efficiency complicated enterprise property right relations and organizational structure .

    摘要我国发电市场的总体构成存在着诸如电源结构不合理、电厂规模 经济,发电企业间不平等竞争较为严重、电价体系复杂、能源利用率低,企业产权关系和组织结构错综复杂等问题。

  • The first way is uneconomical so the second way of strengthening existing buildings turns to be more advisable .

    第一种方式很 经济,所以在 多数情况下第二种加固既有建筑的方法更为可取。

  • Such as : recessive education resources is idle scale is uneconomical huge loss of wealth properties and persons because of lax management and low education quantity etc.

    如隐性教育资源闲置、规模不 经济、管理涣散 成人财物 资源的巨大 耗损流失和教育质量低下等等。

  • In a world where expected returns on a typical investment portfolio may have dropped 40 per cent compared with prior to the crisis paying 1 per cent or more each year to a wealth manager is increasingly uneconomical said RBS .

    苏格兰皇家银行表示:如今,一个典型投资组合的预期回报率较危机前可能已下跌了40%。向一家财富管理公司每年缴纳1%甚至更高的费用,变得越来越 经济

  • The methods employed are old-fashioned and uneconomical

    采用的方法很 老套 什么 效益

  • This article discusses the economical and Uneconomical efficiency of population transfer from the country to the city from the layers of theory and practice ; and base on this to review population transfer in socialist new countryside building .

    摘要本文从理论和实践两个层面上探讨了人口的 乡城转移经济与转移 经济,以此考察社会主义新农村建设中的人口迁移问题。

  • Because the structural integrity will cause the different fire resistance performance the design method would lead to dangerous or uneconomical results .

    然而,结构的整体性会导致处于整体结构中的构件与 单个 构件的抗火性能差异较大,因此该设计方法 科学 经济,会导致 保守于危险的结果。