No she did not want to sell but goaded by the thought that Rhett had exposed her to Ashley in so truthful and so unflattering a light she had made up her mind instantly .
不,她不想卖,但是,她一想到瑞德已经那么真实而 坦率 地把她暴露在艾希礼面前,就觉得问题值得重视了,于是立即下了决心。
One day last December while on vacation I whipped out my cell phone in a moment of boredom held it in front of my face and took an unflattering selfie .
去年12月度假的一天,我一时无聊,掏出了手机,举到面前,来了一次素 颜自拍。
The unflattering comparison with coke is bad luck for Nooyi nothing more .
人们进行 这样的比较,不能不说 卢英德运气欠佳。
The report does show up some unflattering things about America but its critique is even-handed and empirical .
这份报告确实在一些方面 无法给美国 脸上 贴金,不过它提出的批评是公平而实事求是的。
In practice darts are not sewn completely to the bust point as this is considered unflattering .
在操作中,省道不要完全缝到胸高点,因为这样 看上去 会有一种 舒服 的 感觉。
His ire is not just reserved for unflattering mirrors though he famously broke the rear lights of several cars parked in the wrong spaces of Prada s carpark .
他的愤怒不只是针对 不能将 人 照 得 美的镜子他还因砸坏了许多在普拉达停车场停错车位的车的尾灯而“声名远扬”。
You hear unflattering names for Mister Two .
你为先生二听到 不 谄媚的名字。
He depicted the town 's respectable families in an unflattering light
他在描述镇上体面人家时 满 是 贬抑 之 词。
The knee-length dresses were unflattering and ugly .
齐膝长裙 既 不 显 身材又 不 好看。
But artists who venture into political satire like other government critics often say they feel ostracized and harassed and unflattering depictions of political leaders can lead to lawsuits and even criminal defamation charges .
但是大胆进行政治讽刺的艺术家,乃至其他批评政府的人经常声称感觉被排斥和骚扰,对政治领袖们 毫 不 奉承的描述可能导致诉讼,甚至被判诽谤罪。
Of all the unflattering comparisons the one with Japan is the most salient .
在所有 令人 不 快的对比中,同日本的比较是重点。
Most women will also delete unflattering pictures of themselves even if other people in the frame look good .
多数女性还会删除 自己 拍 得 不 好看的照片,即使这些照片中其他人拍得不错。
It has also cast an unflattering light on how Wall Street operates .
它还 毫无 保留 地 暴露了华尔街的运作方式。
An unflattering portrait ; the full unflattering light of morning - Walter de la Mare .
逼真的画像;充满了光明的早晨& 沃尔特·德·拉·梅尔瑞。
His supple diaphanous robe has collected above his knees presumably from a fall revealing an unflattering view of his spindly legs .
那半透明的、柔软的长袍就在他膝部以上的位置 徜著,想必是他摔了一跤,让他 那细长的双腿准确无误地透视出来。
You mention that it features some unflattering moments were you tempted to edit them out ?
你提到其中有些 不 讨 人 喜欢的片段,你是故意把它们剪辑出来的么?
Her fine hair hung limply with a thin fringe and she wore unflattering glasses .
她披著一头细细柔软的发丝,薄薄的刘海,还戴一副 不 起眼的眼镜。
Apparently Allen has some rather unflattering things to say about his old high school buddy Bill Gates .
显然,对于高中老友比尔•盖茨,艾伦有些 猛料要 爆。
Coming from de Klerk this unflattering view should not surprise us .
这种 直言不讳的观点出自德克勒克之口,应该不会让我们感到惊讶。
Direct illumination is harsh and unflattering .
直射光照明既刺目又 呆板。
Make sure that there 's nothing in the background that can make you look unflattering .
确保背景中没有 难看东西可以 破坏你的 画面。
The trick is to manage your knee-jerk reactions when you receive unflattering reviews .
其中的诀窍在于听到 不 顺耳的评论时要能控制住自己的本能反应。
Stripes are the most unflattering pattern a woman can put on her body .
条纹衣服是一位女性能够上身的最 不 讨好的图案。
But the star seemed unaware that her revealing outfit displayed a touch of unflattering cellulite on her thighs .
这位歌星似乎没有意识到她暴露的衣着显露出了 大腿上的脂肪团。
The trade-off : A trip to Target today means an unflattering photo in USA magazine next week .
这是一种交换:今天去一趟Target 商店,一周后,一张有 损 自己 形象的照片 就会 刊登在《美国》杂志上。
The book paints an unflattering picture of the former president .
这本书里 描写了前任总统的 丑态。
From brutal honesty to unflattering illustrations these children 's literary masterpieces are too good not to be shared - which is what their parents did online .
从残酷的诚实到 坦率的插图,这些儿童的佳作若不共享就太浪费–而这正是他们的父母在网上做的。
It found the most common triggers to start dieting was seeing their'reflection in the mirror ' preparing for a summer holiday or unflattering photos posted on social networking sites .
研究发现女孩开始节食最常见的起因是看到“镜子中的自己”,或为夏天的假期做准备,或是因为 上传到社交网站上的的照片有损形象。
For most of the administration the public has seen only occasional photos of Jenna and Barbara and the images were often unflattering .
在布什任职的大部分时间里,公众只是偶尔看到詹纳和芭芭拉的照片, 她们 的 形象 并不 讨 人 喜欢。