Their ancestors were uneducated and they speak a different language .
但是他们的祖先 没 受过 教育,说的是另一种语言。
Some uneducated and unskilled people earn their living by doing manual work .
一些 没有 受过 教育的和没有技术的人们靠体力活谋生。
Though an uneducated man Chavez was not a stupid one .
查维斯虽然 没有 受过 多少 教育,但并不笨。
The uneducated are more to be pitied than blamed .
In other cases advisory committees can prejudice the decision making process by issuing biased or uneducated advice .
在另外的情况下,咨询委员会会通过给出有偏颇的或是 无知的建议,给决策过程带来偏差。
But too often society 's underdogs – the poor the uneducated nonwhites – were not .
但往往社会的弱势群体穷人, 没有 受过 教育 的 人,有色人种得不到公平待遇。
However it was rare to find an uneducated rural southerner without a racist bone in his body .
然而,要从未 受 教育的南方人中找出一个 骨子里没有种族偏见的人来是相当不容易的。
Study hard or you 'll be an uneducated man .
努力学习,否则你会是个 不学无术的人。
It is so surprising that she married an uneducated and ordinary person .
没想到她竟然嫁给了一个 村夫俗子。
There are indications that uneducated people have a more difficult time adjusting to a new life situation .
多种迹象表明:在适应新生活环境这个问题上, 受 教育 程度 不 高的人所 受的痛苦更大。
Due to the massive policy mistakes in the 1990s China may have produced another uneducated generation .
由于90年代的重大政策失误,中国可能又造就了一代 文盲。
She knows the pressures of poverty on uneducated women .
她清楚 未 受过 教育的女性面临贫穷的压力。
The people are uneducated and rude .
那些人 没 受过 教育,而且态度粗鲁。
It is the uneducated vulgarity of expression at all .
这纯粹是 未 受 教育 者的一种粗俗说法。
Genius without education is like silver in mine . Educated persons prefer to live around educated rather than uneducated neighbors .
未受教育的天才如玉在璞中。受过教育的人乐于和受过教育的人而不乐于和 未 受 教育 的 人比邻而居。
A child educated only at school is an uneducated child .
仅仅接受学校教育的孩子是个 无知的孩子!
The educated and uneducated people have to a large extent the difference .
受过教育与 未 受过 教育的人有很大程度上的区别。
Why is the word poor associated with words like lazy unmotivated and uneducated ?
为什么一提到‘贫穷’这个词,人们就与懒惰、消极和 没有 受过 教育联系在一起?
The uneducated country lad was sucked in by a clever crook .
那位 没 文化的农村小伙子被狡猾的骗子骗了。
I 'm not talking about being uneducated or stupid .
我不是在讲 不 受 教诲可能变笨。
To the uneducated people the idea of finance is as uncomfortable as the idea of the law .
对于 没有 受过 教育的人来说,金融概念和法律概念一样叫人反感。
Many people still despise people from backward countries low-income families or those who are uneducated .
许多人仍然鄙视落后国家的人,低收入人士或未受 教育 的 人。
In the first place he was uneducated and knew nothing of medicine or anatomy in his waking state .
首先,他未 受过 很好的 教育,在他清醒时,他对医学和解剖学一无所知。
You can tell from his gross language that the man was uneducated .
从他那粗俗的语言可以看出,这个人没 受过 教育。
For years the uneducated population had been subjected to intensive Nazi propaganda calculated to fan these prejudices .
许多年来,这 群 无知的人民,就受着纳粹高强度的蓄意煽动偏见的宣传。
The foolish and the uneducated have little use for freedom .
愚昧的人和没有 受 教育 的 人很少用到自由。
But let 's not forget this woman is uneducated .
但是我们不要忘了这个女人 没 受过 教育。
How many white children have gone uneducated ?
有多少白人孩子未能 接受 教育?
One story is that the word was used to mean poor farmers or uneducated people .
有一种说法是这个词以前用来形容贫穷的农民或者是 没 受过 教育的人。
Now it is a well-known fact that children and uneducated persons among foreigners in China learn Chinese very easily much more so than grown-up and educated persons .
现在一个众所周知的事实是:在中国的外国人中,孩子们和 没 受过 教育的人学习汉语非常容易,比成年人和受过教育的人要容易得多。