unemployment benefit

[ˌʌnɛmˈplɔɪmənt ˈbɛnəfɪt][ˌʌnimˈplɔimənt ˈbenifit]


  • She receive & 20a week as unemployment benefit .

    她每周领取20英镑的 失业 救济

  • Claimants of unemployment benefit should fill in this form .

    失业 津贴申请人应填写本表。

  • She 's been on unemployment benefit for six years .

    她已领取了6年的 失业 救济

  • They have not built up a decent cushion of unemployment benefit .

    他们还没有建立起一个体面的缓冲 失业 救济 。(泊来的,不知准确否)

  • When a man is out of work he may draw unemployment benefit until he finds work again ;

    当一个人事业时,他可以领取 失业 救济 ,直到他重新找到工作。

  • He 's not entitled to claim unemployment benefit .

    他无权要求领取 失业 救济

  • The upshot is no public pension no unemployment benefit or disability allowance .

    这样做的结果就是没有公共养老金、 失业 救济 、或者伤残津贴。

  • This slump was triggered by figures from the United States showing a surge in claims for unemployment benefit .

    这次油价下跌是由于美国最新数据显示申领 失业 救济 的人数增加。

  • Unemployment benefit does encourage unemployment in the short term ; but that may be no bad thing .

    短期内, 失业 救济确实鼓励了失业,但这可能不是坏事。

  • Unemployment benefit is paid fortnightly in arrears .

    失业 救济 延后两个星期支付。

  • Unemployment benefits are directly related to previous earnings .

    失业 救济 的额度与以前的收入有直接关系。

  • You are not entitled to unemployment benefit if you have never worked .

    从未参加过工作,就没有资格领取 失业 救济

  • When it comes to leisure positional concerns seem to matter less perhaps because leisure is not closely linked to status : anyone can enjoy leisure by walking out of his job and claiming unemployment benefit .

    但谈到闲暇时光时,地位问题似乎就没那么重要的,这或许是因为休闲时间与地位并非紧密相关:任何人只要辞掉工作,领取 失业 救济 ,都可以享受闲暇。

  • Are you entitled to unemployment benefit ?

    你有资格领取 失业 救济 吗?

  • I am ineligible for unemployment benefit .

    我没有资格享受 失业 津贴

  • At its worst unemployment benefit pays people to watch daytime television ; it is particularly pernicious if the skills of the jobless decay and unemployment becomes unemployability .

    在最坏的情况下, 失业 救济为那些大白天看电视的人提供了酬劳,尤其危险的是,如果失业者的技能退化,失业就变成了无就业能力。

  • To most thoughtful people unemployment benefit embodies a painful trade-off .

    对多数有识之士而言, 失业 救济体现了一种痛苦的权衡。

  • The government has altered the rules governing eligibility for unemployment benefit .

    政府已经修改了有关领取 失业 救济 资格的规章制度。

  • In 1986 more than three million were receiving unemployment benefit

    1986年,有300多万人领取 失业 救济

  • How much unemployment benefit does the middle-aged woman get every month ?

    那位中年妇女每月领到多少 失业 救济

  • The number of people claiming unemployment benefit has risen sharply this month .

    这个月要求领取 失业 救济 的人数急剧上升。

  • Does unemployment benefit really encourage people to duck work ?

    失业 救济真的鼓励人们逃避工作吗?

  • With government figures in February showing the number of people claiming unemployment benefit at its highest since 1997 Britain remains a weak spot .

    英国仍是个薄弱点2月份的官方数据显示,申请 失业 救济的人数创下了1997年以来的最高水平。

  • In part this is because of an increasing bill for unemployment benefit .

    这一部分是因为 失业 福利的支出增加了。

  • Are you claiming unemployment benefit ?

    你在申请 失业 补助 吗?