


  • But Wal-Mart rejected the report as untrue and unsubstantiated .

    但是,沃尔玛驳斥这项报告是不真实, 缺乏 事实 依据

  • It is a dangerous absurd and totally unsubstantiated accusation .

    这是一个危险的、荒诞的、完全 根据的指控。

  • This should become more inclusive welcoming alternative views where these are scientifically valid and at the same time more exclusive rejecting unsubstantiated claims of dramatic change .

    评估过程应该变得更加包容,接纳具有科学依据的另类观点,同时也应该变得更加排他,排斥 一切 没有 事实 依据 有关 气候剧烈变化的论断。

  • The commerce ministry released a statement saying : directing unsubstantiated criticism at China on the exchange rate issue will only help us protectionism and will not help towards a real solution to the issue .

    中国商务部发表了一份声明,称:“在汇率问题上对中国进行 毫无 根据的指责只会助长美国的贸易保护主义情绪,而对找到真正解决问题的方法没有任何帮助。”

  • Anaphylaxis to Paracetamol is virtually unheard of despite the occasional unsubstantiated reports in the past .

    但对扑热息痛过敏应实际上是前所未闻,除了偶见 充分 证据的报导。

  • There are two efficient market hypotheses . One is the bold unsubstantiated proposition that financial markets are close to perfect and all-knowing .

    有效市场假说有两种:一种是大胆且 证实的观点,认为金融市场近乎完美且无所不知。

  • The release was obviously a hoax full of unsubstantiated claims and amateurish grammar and punctuation errors .

    这篇新闻稿显然是个恶作剧,通篇充斥着 毫无 事实 根据的指控以及拙劣的语法和拼写错误。

  • There have been many unsubstantiated reports of gas used in war zones .

    有许多 证实的关于在战区使用毒气的报道。

  • In one session participants rewrite a corporate mission statement turning unsubstantiated assertions and meaningless words such as good practice and deliverables into good English .

    在一节课上,学员改写一份公司使命声明, 把好的实践与可交付使用的这类 没有 确凿根据的主张与没有意义的字眼变成好的英语。

  • Many contemporary publications quote figures that are unsubstantiated .

    许多现行刊物所 采用的数字是不 确切的。

  • But it must never again undermine its own credibility by sloppily repeating unsubstantiated statements that exaggerate the risk of climate change such as the notorious claim that Himalayan glaciers could disappear by 2035 .

    但该机构绝不能再草率重复夸大气候变化风险的 没有 事实 依据的言论,从而损害自身的可信度,比如喜玛拉雅冰川将在2035年前消失这一世人皆知的论断。

  • The US Securities and Exchange Commission accused Sir Allen on Tuesday of operating an alleged $ 8bn scheme involving certificates of deposits sold through SIB that allegedly promised improbable and unsubstantiated high interest rates .

    美国证交会(SEC)周二指控艾伦爵士操纵了一项80亿美元的计划,涉及通过斯坦福国际银出售大额存单。据称,这些大额存单承诺了不大可能且 不切实际的高利率。

  • The personal file management of mobile population is important and unsubstantiated for the individuals organization and government regardless at present or in the future .

    流动人员 人事档案在目前及今后相当 的时期,对政府部门、用人机构和个人有着不可替代的作用。

  • On their health benefits the reports said : Unsubstantiated or overstated claims of safety and cessation are frequent market themes aimed at smokers .

    至于 电子 对健康的益处,报告称: 有关 电子 安全和有助戒烟的、 证实或夸大其辞的说法,是针对烟民经常使用的市场宣传主题。

  • He said the threat of the use of mercenaries has begun to seriously harm migrant Sub-Saharan Africans in Libya although the exact use of mercenaries in Libya remains unsubstantiated .

    他说,雇佣兵使用的威胁已经严重伤害了利比亚撒哈拉海港以南地区的非洲人,虽然在利比亚对雇佣军的使用 没有 事实 证明

  • It 's completely unsubstantiated that a very-low-carbohydrate diet is safe and effective in the long term .

    极端低碳水化合物饮食的长期安全性和有效性完全 无法 证实

  • Simple assertion unsubstantiated by relevant evidence cannot be considered sufficient to meet the requirements of this paragraph .

    缺乏有关证据的简单 断言不能视为足以满足本款的要求。

  • Do you see the impracticality of your methodology ? Literally any unsubstantiated claim can survive with your reasoning .

    你现在知道你的方法有多不切实际了吗?实际上,任何 证实的主张都可以让你的推论继续存在。

  • Did he attempt to verify the accuracy of the story or did he simply repeat an unsubstantiated rumor ?

    他是否设法验证消息的准确性,或者只是重复一个 证实的传言?

  • Amid rising sectarian tensions in Baghdad there were many as yet unsubstantiated rumours of reprisals against Sunni Muslims .

    随着巴格达的宗派紧张关系加剧,有关对 逊尼派穆斯林展开报复的谣言四起。

  • In my experience developers are prone to talking at an abstract level-making general claims that are unsubstantiated .

    根据我的经验,开发者倾向于抽象地谈论一些事情&产生 确实 证据的观点。

  • The generals claim the investigation is a witch hunt against them based on flimsy unsubstantiated evidence .

    军方将领声称,政府根据薄弱不足的证据对他们进行调查, 纯粹是政治迫害。

  • The SEC alleges that Stanford subsidiary company in Antigua sold eight billion dollars worth of so-called certificates of deposit to investors by promising them improbable and unsubstantiated high interest rates .

    美国证券交易委员会称,斯坦福大学的附属公司在安提瓜出售价值80亿美元的所谓存单向投资者承诺,他们不可能和 毫无 根据的高利息。

  • The Committee therefore found the conclusions made by these authors both unconvincing and unsubstantiated .

    委员会因此认为,这些作者的结论既不具有说服力也 没有 事实 根据

  • However we note a customary understanding which is unsubstantiated . ⅰ n fact judicial efficiency is not the key factor in the origin of plea bargaining and there were no serious problems of American judicial efficiency during the process of the origin of plea bargaining .

    不过,在论文中我们指出了一种并不 成立的习惯认识:司法效率问题并不是决定 诉交易起源的关键因素,在起源时期的美国司法效率并没有出现严重的低下问题。

  • The newspaper corporation is the result of the development of social production and the market economy ; it is played an unsubstantiated role as a part of the modern media industry .

    报业集团化是生产社会化程度提高和市场经济发展的产物,作为现代传媒产业的重要支柱 报业集团在现代社会中发挥着不可 替代的作用。

  • Contempt proceedings taken against her were dismissed but in her affidavit to the Court she described the charges against her as absurd despicable and entirely unsubstantiated .

    有关藐视法庭的不利法律程序被撤销,然而她在对法庭的宣誓书中形容对她的指控是荒谬的、卑鄙的、完全 没有 事实 依据的。

  • I do object to their claim which I find totally unsubstantiated .

    我强烈反对他们的说法,那是 毫无 根据的。

  • At worst it may represent an unsubstantiated claim about the interpretation and use of test scores .

    从最坏的角度说,它可能代表着一个 证实的关于分数阐释和分数使用的宣称。