up to time

[ʌp tu taɪm][ʌp tu: taim]


  • Over the years each iteration has had initial supply shortages but Apple usually has been able to catch up to demand in time for the holidays .

    这些年来,每一代iPhone在上市之初都曾出现供应短缺的情况,但苹果通常都能在 假期及时满足市场需求。

  • The transformation took place in 1966-1967 . Up to that time the blues had been an essentially black medium .

    这种变化发生于 1966-1967年间,这之前布鲁斯一直是黑人音乐的基本表现形式。

  • The doctor judged that the man 's health had up to the time of the wound been good

    医生认为, 直到受伤 之前,该男子的身体一直很好。

  • Up to that time he had not believed in God .

    直到 此刻他是不大信上帝的。

  • We cannot be considered a true sporting power unless we bring swimming athletics and boating sports up to speed in time for the2008 Beijing Games she said quoting a Chinese team mantra .

    除非我们能在2008年的北京奥运会上将游泳、田径和赛艇项目 加强,否则我们不能算体育强硬派国。

  • Up to that time she had contented herself with watching him on his passage along the boulevard without ever seeking to encounter him .


  • Besides obvious benefits of unprecedented speed consistent patterns also guarantee consistent results from deployment to deployment freeing you up to focus more time on your applications and less time ensuring the correct configuration of the supporting environment .

    除了前所未有的速度这一明显优势外,一致的模式还能保证从部署到部署 保持一致的结果,使您 能够将更多的 时间用于您的应用程序,花费更少的时间确认支持环境配置是否正确。

  • I lived up to the time of the illness that deprived me of my sight and hearing in a tiny house consisting of a large square room and a small one in which the servant slept .

    我一直住在一个狭小的房子里面, 直到疾病令我丧失了视觉和听觉。 当时的家园是由一个巨大的四方形房间和一个小房间构成的,仆人们都睡在那个小房间里。

  • The original goal of management was simply to make sure that employees showed up to work on time to do their tasks to not ask questions to not cause problems and then to leave and do that over and over again .

    管理最初的目标就是保证所有员工 准时到公司,完成工作,不要问问题,也不要引起麻烦,然后下班回家,如此循环往复。

  • Up to that time the Spirit had not been given since Jesus had not yet been glorified .

    那时还没有赐下圣灵 ,因为耶稣尚未得着荣耀。

  • Up to that time the Republic the Empire had been to him only monstrous words .

    直到 那时,共和国、帝国,在他心里还只是些牛鬼蛇神似的字眼。

  • Many tasty and nutritious meals can be rustled up in next to no time .

    转眼之间就能 准备 很多营养可口的饭菜。

  • Each string passed to mkpasswd is built level by level from a single key dwell time all the way up to a dwell time for each recorded letter in the user name .

    传递给mkpasswd的每个字符串都是从单个按键停顿时间一直 用户名中每个记录字母的停顿 时间逐级 构建的。

  • Starting with compliments all the way up to giving your time to your community .

    可以从赞美之词 开始你身边的人多花一些 时间

  • I woke up to the time of discovery but I do not know how to repay .


  • Learning to make the most of a predictable life is important ; youll have to find your own ways to change things up from time to time and inject a little bit of variety into your working hours .

    重点在于学会充分利用生活的可预见性,你得 时不时用自己的方式来改变 一下你的工作时间注入一点不一样的东西。

  • Even capable career-driven people need a leg up from time to time .

    就算是有能力并且有明确职业方向的人有时 需要帮助。

  • Plutonium-powered pacemakers still turn up from time to time in mortuaries and hospitals and a failure to dispose of them properly keeps America 's Nuclear Regulatory Commission busy handing out citations to unsuspecting hospitals .

    现在,钚电源起搏器还是 时不时 出现在停尸房和医院中,并且使得美国核管理委员忙于忙于处罚那些疏于妥善处理钚电源起搏器的医院。

  • We bear all the charges up to the time toe goods is on the hook .

    我们负担货物 上吊 之前的一切费用。

  • Electronics did in fact make possible sounds that no instrument up to that time could produce .

    电子技术确实制造 此前乐器无法发出的各种声响。

  • However this interview provides a unique keyhole through which to view Bruce Lee 's views on his life art and career up to this time in his life .

    然而这段采访却为我们提供了一个独特的视角, 窥探 当时李小龙对于生活、艺术和事业的看法。

  • All at once these two poor children who had up to that time been protected tolerably well even by their evil fate were abruptly hurled into life and forced to begin it for themselves .

    那两个可怜的孩子,虽然命薄, 总算一向受到相当好的保护,没 想到他们忽然一下被抛入了人生,非开始自谋生路不可。

  • However Africa is facing growing challenges in peace and security with hotspot issues flaring up from time to time which have affected stability in some parts of the Continent .

    与此同时,非洲和平与安全面临的挑战加剧,热点问题 有起伏,影响非洲局部地区稳定。

  • And under the altar are the souls of all the followers of Jesus who have been martyred up to this time and the souls of those people who will be martyred .

    祭坛下是那些 殉道的,耶稣追随者的灵魂,以及将要殉道的人们的灵魂。

  • Extremely punctual people not only show up to places on time but also lead highly structured and organized lifestyles .

    准时达人不仅会 准时出现 的地方,而且也会极好的安排自己的生活,使生活充满规律和条理。

  • I 'll try not to take up to much of your time .

    我会尽量不 占用你太多 时间

  • She took up painting to kill time .

    她开始 作画 自遣

  • If you only do these little things once a year leading up to evaluation time it 'll be really hard you 'll take everything too personally and you 'll hate it Mattson points out .

    马特森指出:对于这些小事而言,如果你只是 每年绩效评估之前做一 而已,那将会变得很艰难&你会让所有事情都带上过多的个人色彩,进而感到厌恶。

  • She continued to forget him up to the time of the christening .

    她继续把他忘记, 直到施洗礼的 时候