


  • He has been an unsung hero of the country 's economic growth .

    他是使这个国家经济成长的 无名英雄

  • These unsung heroes take on both parental roles and balance them with grace every single day .

    这些 称颂的英雄们需要同时扮演父亲、母亲的角色,每天 还要以一种优雅的姿态将二者平衡。

  • Also we have to appreciate every unsung hero for making our life better and expect ourselves to do something for our country one day .

    我们也要感谢造就我们 富饶生活的每一 无名英雄,并期许自己也有一日能对社会国家有所贡献。

  • He has been an unsung hero of new zealand 's recent improvement .

    他一直是新西兰近年来进步 发展 无名英雄

  • White Hat hackers are the unsung heroes of the Information Age .

    红客是信息时代的 无名英雄

  • So much of the real herosim of this war went unsung .

    这场战争中那么多真正的英雄事迹未得到 颂扬

  • He was one of life 's unsung heroes .

    他是那些在生活中 默默无闻的英雄之一。

  • It is little known unsung and one of the grandest little towns you could ever wish to see .

    它虽然 名不见经传,但却是不可错过的最具恢宏气象的小镇之一。

  • But there are also unsung heroes in the south and east .

    然而,在东部和南部地区同样也有 一些 没有 称颂 成功 发展 城市

  • They are among the unsung heroes of our time

    他们是我们 这个时代的 无名英雄

  • Owen would also like to thank this unsung heroes for their contribution .

    欧文也很感谢这 无名英雄的捐献。

  • And to my campaign manager David Plouffe the unsung hero of this campaign who built the best & the best political campaign I think in the history of the United States of America .

    我的竞选管家大卫·普洛夫是一 无名英雄。是他打造出了美利坚合众国历史上我认为最好、最好的政治选举。

  • Some of that research is on display in slavery and the making of the university : celebrating our unsung heroes bond and free . the on-campus exhibit includes photographs letters and documents such as bills of sale for slaves .

    部分研究的结果目前正在校园里展示,展览的名称是「奴隶制度和大学的 诞生:向自由以及 奴役的 无名英雄 致敬」,内容包括照片、信件还有文件,像是买卖奴隶的字据。

  • And all it 's songs unsung .

    所有这一切就是 心中的歌。

  • To help the children with their English was all I could do at present to show my gratitude to these unsung heroes .

    而要表达我对这些 英雄的感激之情,我目前力所能及的 事情只是给他们小孩教英语。

  • It is the unsung achiever of our prosperity .

    这是我们的繁荣 默默无闻的实干家。

  • He handed over the trophy in the Unsung Hero category .

    他颁发的奖项为“ 无名英雄奖”。

  • The hero died unsung .

    那位英雄死时 受到 歌颂

  • They are very hard-working and they are unsung because nobody knows what they are doing .

    他们工作很努力, 因为无人知晓而 没没无闻

  • The song that I came to sing remains unsung to this day .

    我要唱的歌至今还 没有 出。

  • You guys are unsung heroes .

    你们是 无名英雄

  • But God used unsung believers to bring him into community .

    然而神却使用 一些 寂寂 无名的信徒,领他加入信徒的群体。

  • The whole article is devoted to the goalkeeper that unsung hero of the football pitch .

    整篇文章的笔墨都集中于守门员,那位 颂扬的足球场。

  • So I know a little on a personal level about the unsung heroes the humanitarian workers who volunteer to serve on the front lines of some of the worlds most dangerous places .

    因此我个人对 那些 无名英雄,对志愿到全世界一些最危险的地方服务的第一线人道主义工作人员有一些亲身的了解。

  • The unsung hero of this campaign .

    这次竞选中的 无名英雄

  • I have great respect for that unsung army of men and women who trudged to work every day .

    我对那些 天天 埋头苦干默默无闻的男女军人怀有极大的敬意。

  • Meanwhile the Chinese culture of worshipping the philosophy of the ' unsung hero ' and ' speak less and work more ' has made active voices rare here Wang added .

    与此同时,王国庆还说,中国文化推崇‘ 无名英雄’和‘少说话,多做事’的哲学,这使得积极的声音十分稀少。

  • For them a few people won more than two weeks of sleepless nights the project they have not only not a penny of reward not even a thank you they even became the unsung heroes .

    对于他们几个人两周多的不眠之夜赢来的项目,他们公司不但没有一分钱奖励,甚至没有一封感谢信,他们甚至成了 无名英雄

  • What will really move malaria control forward between now and2015 is going to be the work by the unsung heroes at the community level and in district health facilities .

    从现在起到2015年,社区和区县卫生设施的众多 无名英雄将实际推动疟疾控制工作。